LOOK at all the game results PLEASE!!! and it show it quite clear that spending 5.7x the cost of a dual core g3258 to justify game proformance which you where, so pound for pound the g3258 is as good if not better because the saved cost can be used else where in this case however as orion has a very good cpu already 2500k why the hell would any1 want try and justify 320quid for no real game proformance gain ?????
and the end of the day is his choice to get cpu iam not forcing a cpu change,
when the user has a very usable and good cpu to start with and proving that single core running (which is 85% of games atm) he would see no to little diff and that possable that the funds could be used either in other upgrades or wait for this year chip releases and see what happens to chip prices to justify a change !
point made and done !
But in single core running a G3258 will not be faster than a 5820k. It would be impossible for it to do so. As you say they are virtually the same core.