Gaming Kickstarters

It is CMON and despite the fact I like zombicide I do find them more a style over substance type of developer.

You can spot the good games from CMON quite easily; they're the ones that aren't dependent on the minis. Guilds of Cadwallon, the first World of Smog game, Dogs of War and Ethnos are all good to excellent, and the minis are only cosmetic.
Just backed Marvel United... sucker for minis, looks like it could be a nice light family game.

Edit - Spelling!
I did the same once I realised how many minis they had, and Howard the Duck!

I've also backed the Batman Animated series one as well, in both instances it's because I like the looks of the models and suspect they'll be relatively easy to paint to a tabletop standard, and my brother in law is a fan so he might play it as well :)
I was so tempted by the marvel one but from what I could work out it wasn't a board game and the models were just for show so helped me decide not to spend (money I don't have anyway :p)
I was so tempted by the marvel one but from what I could work out it wasn't a board game and the models were just for show so helped me decide not to spend (money I don't have anyway :p)

Oh, the minis for Marvel United are just cosmetic? It might be good then. Not for me either way, I want every chibi to fall into the sun with its owner desperately chasing after it.
I had said to myself I would be good until UKGE (although I'm considering cancelling my booking) ..
  • Frutticola
  • Altered Carbon RPG
  • Kanban EV
  • Gorinto
  • Viscounts of the West Kingdom
  • Mint Control
  • The Matchbox Collection
  • Chronicles of Crime - Millennium Series
Backed Gladius yesterday. Looked an quick entertaining game for a small price, that my boy will enjoy.

Also looking at Viscounts of the West Kingdom and Chronicles of Crime - Millennium Series. Not sure on these yet.
You're just self promoting the product using these forums, you magically register asking about minis, then two minutes later provide a response to yourself about having found something incredible!

I'm glad our tastes differ, if you want garish, poorly sculpted minis to jerk over like a simp, this is the kickstarter for you!
It was open to feedback and I came here to ask for ideas. But I can see why this forum seems dead. Very hostile. Enjoy your space. Hopefully someone constructive cares to respond.

I don't know why anyone would come specifically to the forum of a high end PC hardware site to ask about 3D printed fantasy miniature Kickstarters, as opposed to a specialist RPG forum of which there are many. Even less when that person managed to find exactly what he was looking for in less time than it takes to create an OCUK forum account, and claims to have found several but only tells us about one of them.
I ended up backing it. I never played Gloomhaven and after reading around figured I might as well skip it and go for Frosthaven instead.
Ive canceled my pledge for Frosthaven, the value isn't there when you factor in postage/VAT, i'll wait for retail I think.

I did think about this, but if its like Gloomhaven then it will cost more when it hits retail.
Basic pledge (game only) + shipping is about £100
Gloomhaven was around the £120 when it finally got into stock (4th printing?). Its now around £90 the last I saw it so if you are willing to wait a while....
I did think about this, but if its like Gloomhaven then it will cost more when it hits retail.
Basic pledge (game only) + shipping is about £100
Gloomhaven was around the £120 when it finally got into stock (4th printing?). Its now around £90 the last I saw it so if you are willing to wait a while....
+20% VAT!
Ive canceled my pledge for Frosthaven, the value isn't there when you factor in postage/VAT, i'll wait for retail I think.

Yeah, this is one of things that is putting me off at the moment. The fact that you still have to add 20% on top for VAT.
Most other Kickstarters are EU friendly so that doesn't happen.
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