Gloomhaven big box expansion hitting kickstarter in March 2020, just take my money!
But I've not had time to start the original!!!
Gloomhaven big box expansion hitting kickstarter in March 2020, just take my money!
Gloomhaven big box expansion hitting kickstarter in March 2020, just take my money!
Solo scenario booklet (which you can download as a pdf but would be nice to have the printed one). Lots of rule changes from version 1 to 2 (two was also a kickstarter). There isnt many exclusives really, the latest printing is the best version really (5th).Indeed. I missed the original Gloomhaven hype (got 4th print run) Love the game.
Anything special / kickstarter exclusive stuff given out with the original KS?
If you want to be technical it's a stand alone expansion.Frosthaven is an independent sequel to Gloomhaven, not an expansion.
Yeah its a huge price on it, more than I was expecting. I just finished my Imperial Assault collection so I can't justify this, id rather get Twilight Imperium for the money anyway I think. Next kickstarter for me is Frosthaven.Return to the Dark Tower is live for those older folk looking for some 80's throwback.
Bit pricier than I was expecting but will still cough up as I loved it as a kid.
I backed it the moment I saw it was up.The next PC Pathfinder game has gone live. Due June 2021 (So Jan 2022 then)
Kingmaker has a lot of issues on release but they constantly updated it. I didn't encounter any myself though and have played through 3 times so far.
Chris Avellone is back with them once again.
I like the look of it, plus marvel etc, but the game itself looks really shallow and kinda boring, I was expecting some kind of AQ clone which would have been so much better. Not sure if I'll keep my pledge for it.Just backed Marvel United... sucked for minis, looks like it could be a nice light game family game.