Gaming Kickstarters

Just received my copy of 2 mins to midnight. Outstanding KS campaign, little delays, completely transprent comms, and the gaming material oozes quality.
One of the few times it actually goes right in KS.

I swore that I would never be tempted by a kick starter again but looks good. It is the sort of theme and game style we love. The app based system worked well enough in Mansions of Madness but this expands the idea and should be more developed.

Van Ryder Games involvement is a major selling point too. Solo play is another bonus. I am can sell some old stuff and my daughter wants to go halves, so that is my will power truly broken I guess :p.
I think I forgot to say I received my Xmen United kickstarter a couple of weeks back, I almost missed Deadpools shiny cube when I opened that box, the whole thing is huge and arrived in two large boxes.
My Red Grass Games Wet Palette v2 should be shipping soon. Looking forward to that as it was a gift and I have been using an old wet palette that doesn't work well. Homemade ones are usually as flawed as most of my DIY .

My daughter decided she wanted to pay for The Dark Quarter herself, which is a bonus. I get to play and will get roped into the painting at some point but she wants to learn after all these years.

Going to find some old stuff for her to practice on during her study downtime, not sure how she will manage as she is waiting for a nerve conduction study for carpal tunnel too.
Got my copy of Call to Adventure: Epic Origins (Deluxe).
It's essentially like the original but has a campaign and co-op options. Looking forward to getting it to the table. It's compatible with the original and expansions
Got my copy of Call to Adventure: Epic Origins (Deluxe).
It's essentially like the original but has a campaign and co-op options. Looking forward to getting it to the table. It's compatible with the original and expansions

That looks like a lot of fun, I completely missed it but my daughter enjoys card based co-op games, so I will keep an eye out if it is going to hit retail at some point.
Looks like Frosthaven will be arriving today.
Only just got round to starting Gloomhaven so no idea when we'll get round to that.
Mine arrived in the week, nearly three years after backing it! It's a beast of a box, it was delivered to the unit next door to my work and the poor girl could barely lift it to bring it round. :cry: I've not even got around to going through it yet though.

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you'll have fun witht he new mechanics from what i gather.
it is a Huge BOX!!!
is might be of interest
Yorkshire couple wrote a senario as well apparently.

Wish i did the kickstarter but i simpley dont have the space and nack for the game at the moment..
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I sold Frosthaven. Got a bit more than I paid for it but it's not getting to the table anytime in the next 5 years or so which wasn't the plan when I backed it thanks to Covid and lockdown.

Bought retail ISS Vanguard for myself and 'er indoors to play through which should keep us occupied for a bit.
Few arrivals recently.

Terraforming Mars Ares Expedition with the Discovery, Foundations and Crisis expansions.

Star Fighers Rapid Fire (Another Alley Cat game. I really like their stuff, and they're based in the local town)

Not a kickstarter, but I've picked up Sub Terra II and the expansions. The kickstarter for that and the other ITB games seem an absolute poop-show. Company gone into liquidation, games sat in port in China, likely to be sold rather than sent to backers. I was going to back it, but I forgot to. Kind of glad now. I suspect that if I want to sell it on I won't lose any money as it's pretty much going to be a single printing. Didn't get the miniatures. I like the meeples.

Also picked up Coral Islands from the con's bring and buy. Quick and simple. Perfect for one of the gaming groups we go to.
I've had a similar scare with Rallyman Dirt. Stung for extra import fees due to a mis-communication (their excuse!) on shipping to the EU vs UK vs Rest of Europe. Turns out only about 40% of those packages went out before HolyGrail Games went bankrupt too. There's a lot of people without their games sitting in a warehouse in France.

Still can't decide if I want to open it or just shift it on given I went all in it'll sell for £250 no issue and I really could use the money.
Just been reading about that as Rallyman GT is a good game.

Designer seems a good chap who is quite unhappy about it. Same with Sub Terra II. It's the Publishers who failed, which often leaves the rights in complete limbo.
Not so much arrivals as distribution for me.

Age of Steam expansions shipping this week and early next week.
Bot Factory week to start next week.

Wish Eagle Gryphon Games wouldn't add so many add-ons, it really slows things down.
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