Garden room / posh shed /workshop build log

4 May 2007
West Midlands
Garden room / posh shed build

At the end of my fairly long garden I want to replace my current shed similar to @dlockers doing it in the method from here

Overall build size is gonna be circa 7m by 3.5m in plan. Height is gonna be maybe a touch over the 2.5m threshold (the leylandii at the back is a touch over 3m.

Main challenge will be getting materials in as my garden is circa 40m long, has no side access and I'll be bringing it all thru the house.

Some pictures below.

Need to remove these 2 trees in the back and making some room.... I had help with the branches..


New mini chainsaw/pruner


Had to empty the current shed and move it.... Pretty much managed to shift it myself but had my nephew in to help

This shed will be getting skipped afterwards.


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Yay, another build I can watch on with envious eyes :D!

If you can flat pack your old shed I'm sure someone would buy it from you, looks in good shape.

You should tighten the chain a little on that mini chainsaw, looks a bit too loose for me. If a branch gets between the chain and the bar the chain could come off.

Can't get the shed out, no access to side of house as has a side extension over the boundary. I agree otherwise it would probably last a while.

Just gonna have to destroy it I'm afraid :D

You're right about the chain it slipped after this pic /came off... I now know how to remove /tighten at least!
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Just in case you missed it on the other thread this is the oregon replacement chain for your chainsaw
Cheers fella, ordered 2! (as well as 2 ebay specials.... Let's hope it's not /temu tier :X).

I also sharpened the chainsaw today semi properly and does seem to get it working but its a lot of effort/getting blunt fairly quick so figure best to replace
I didn't find one I was just told I'd been ripped off lol. I think at 1.9m wide I'd be doing a doubled up 5x2 or something. Might be worth asking on the FB group?
Aye ive seen mixed reviews/comments on that Facebook group. Probably would be OK with a 5*2or 6*2 but ack well if the steel delivery price here ain't too bad should be ok

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Yeah for a 2m span I'd chance a flitch. It depends on your labour cost, a box beam maybe fractionally less work.
Well my labour is me on parental leave or my nephew at 8quid an hour :D. Looks like itd only take an hour or so for a flitch. That company I posted previous wanted 120 quid delivery so I've contacted a local company to see what they can do. They said a box section they'd be getting in a 7.5m length so the wastage is monster!
Looks mega! Well done sir.
Thanks, I'll be honest in that the front /back it's odds and evens on 550/600 and sides don't take the roof so they're nearer 500 deep.

As you've said before you do see people put them very shallow!

All my timber, sheet materials and cement/aggregate come tomorrow..... Gonna be a pain getting them thru the garden.

Also ordered 1900wide by 2100 height French doors and 2x 600 wide by 2100 height windows. Went for upvc like a pleb but only £1700 so not too bad...
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Tidy! Yeah 600 deep is really only for soil. Once you hit something firm I'd stop. I think you mean centers are ok - sides take walls/roof so should be "fully home".

How are you feeling? :cry: :o

Well I thought it would be the front/back primarily taking the roof. Regardless I have a lot of rods to a decent depth.

I am ****** after it, and sunburnt!

Did you order something similar to the below from rubber4roofs ie a full "kit"?
Oh dear that was a lot of materials impressed with the hiab driver but he seemed to take the most difficult route over a 5 m high tree.

Only section I havent got a tarp or anything over is the 3*4 treated wood but hopefully that will be alreet.


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Absolutely hurting today after fitting the rods.

To be honest I'm thinking if access to my garden wasn't terrible /for recommending others I'd say it's easier to set out a slab and pump concrete in.

Had the same as @dlockers and 3 bags of cement / a lot of ballast left over (mine are all min 500 and very to 600 but quite narrow)

Did you choose ur cladding @dlockers?


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