Gd has died

Being born in the early 80s makes you a millennial now?


Pew Research Center has been studying the Millennial generation for more than a decade. But by 2018, it became clear to us that it was time to determine a cutoff point between Millennials and the next generation. Turning 38 this year, the oldest Millennials are well into adulthood, and they first entered adulthood before today’s youngest adults were born.

In order to keep the Millennial generation analytically meaningful, and to begin looking at what might be unique about the next cohort, Pew Research Center decided a year ago to use 1996 as the last birth year for Millennials for our future work. Anyone born between 1981 and 1996 (ages 23 to 38 in 2019) is considered a Millennial, and anyone born from 1997 onward is part of a new generation.

Poor media ******** notwithstanding.
Hah. I'm 39. Suck it, millennial scum!


(Disclaimer for millennial flowsnakes: multiple parts of this post are a joke, please do not be offended)
From the surface level this GD seems as busy as it's always been in my eyes, what i have noticed there seems to a more proportion of loony left spamming the crap out of certain threads in SC, it's become a real echo chamber in there, but that's about it
From the surface level this GD seems as busy as it's always been in my eyes, what i have noticed there seems to a more proportion of loony left spamming the crap out of certain threads in SC, it's become a real echo chamber in there, but that's about it

I don’t even bother with SC. Everyone’s got an opinion, everyone’s right and everyone else is wrong and you will all listen and understand me dammit, etc. Quote what people hope to achieve by arguing with others on the internet is beyond me, but some seem to love it. Different strokes I guess.
i think these forums are pretty tame tbh and even moderated quite well. you can have a laugh and joke and the majority are okay with that. even the weak millenials. :D

not quite to shore on the AMD crowd though. thats another story....;)
I don’t even bother with SC. Everyone’s got an opinion, everyone’s right and everyone else is wrong and you will all listen and understand me dammit, etc. Quote what people hope to achieve by arguing with others on the internet is beyond me, but some seem to love it. Different strokes I guess.

There's about 4 or 5 that seem to spend their entire waking hours in SC morning, noon and night. It's like they have all the free time in the world and don't have lives outside of SC.
There's about 4 or 5 that seem to spend their entire waking hours in SC morning, noon and night. It's like they have all the free time in the world and don't have lives outside of SC.
Yeah, I’ve noticed that. Some of them start posting at 6 in the morning and are still going at nearly midnight.

It’s a pretty pointless argument anyway. No one will change anyone’s opinion, so what’s the point in wasting your energy?
People dont seem to be able to decide. But 90s on is generation *flake (not even allowed to say it on this forum, hows that for a safe space lols).

Because it's derogatory bigoted *****, you're brushing 2.4 billion people with a single brush.

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