Gears of War PC

11 Jan 2005
Anybody looking forward to this?
With Crysis, UT3 and others all taking the spotlight, I had forgotten all about this, I rememeber seeing vids that reckoned 1900x1200 @ 60fps, which lets face it Crysis won't manage unless you have 8 8800gtx's glued together :D.
Its out Nov 9th. Will need a demo first for this one and see how it stacks up against the 360 version.
it depends how it looks. i would imagine it might have a few effects added but won't be massively better looking than the 360 version, which IMHO puts it graphical miles behind crysis. GOW on the 360 is all tight area's, with low draw distance giving it a highly detailed local view, crysis has a much more detailed less localised view, ie massive terrain that looks fantastic, but maybe missing a touch of detail on character models(not much).

but GOW isn't the best game ever, it's a fairly slow and clunky, perfect for console controller game. its not exactly a fast moving twitchy classic fps game. the story was ok but short as hell, and even with the added fight with the big beast thing won't be very long. it was an ok game on the 360 that looks freaking amazing. its still IMHO just going to be an ok game that looks a little better. only worth a look if you haven't played it before at all.
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GOW isn't the best game ever, it's a fairly slow and clunky, perfect for console controller game.

Exactly how I see it. I'd be very surprised if this game was good on PC at all. Very rarely are PC ports of console games made for a controller transferred to mouse and keyboard well.
Exactly how I see it. I'd be very surprised if this game was good on PC at all. Very rarely are PC ports of console games made for a controller transferred to mouse and keyboard well.

Tis OK, i'll be playing it on a controller anyway.

Got it pre-ordered.
Very rarely are PC ports of console games made for a controller transferred to mouse and keyboard well.

Agreed, yet I still see many comments from people saying this game is going to be so much better with K&M combo. I just can't see it myself TBH.
always liked the look of it, may get it after xmas tho maybe when it goes down in price with abit of luck :P got other games to buy before gears
Loved the game on 360, but with so many new games coming out I just dont have the time to play through it again, albeit with the new content and m/kb controls.
I use to play this as well,on my xbox360 (720p),,,,

Am going have to buy this game again for the PC at sometime so i can play it at 1080p on the PC....

Its not a bad game to play on the 360, im a PC fps gamer in most cases, but this game didnt draw up any situations where a mouse would be needed imo
I did play this on the 360 and was amazing, since sold my 360 so will be getting the PC version ASAP.

I will most likely play it with my controller still but I think this will still be a great PC game and with co-op, extra 5 levels and the unreal editor I think there is room for this in the busy shooter pc market.

Can't wait to get it to be honest. :)
Well I enjoyed the 360 version and I'll defo be getting this. Hi-res gfx and improved performance, 5 new single player chapters, new multiplayer modes and maps on top of the downloadable content the 360 version had. If kb/mouse controls dont feel right I'll just use the pad, but I dont see why kb/m wouldnt work though - The controls are simple enough. Gameplay is even altered on-the-fly according to which method you choose. Its hardly a straight port.

Cant wait for it myself :)
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Wonder if you'll only be able to use the games for windows live thing, dont fancy having to use it myself.
Any recommended specs for this game yet ?

That said i would imagine if you can run Unreal fine, you should be able to run this am i right ?
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