Geek or Nerd?

I dunno about me really, I spend less and less time fettling with the computer these days. Most of time spent at uni/going out, also moving away from home next month. Recent events could have pushed me back to my computery ways but I reckon I'll be alright.

I'd say mildly geeky, not a nerd though, I can't even program "hello world" in java anymore... :D
They mean much the same thing, although geek can also mean you bite off chicken heads :eek:

I've always thought of a nerd being a geek with some of the negative qualities of being a geek emphasized.

So I prefer to be called a geek. Although I may actually be a nerd :(
pinkegobox said:
i'm a geek. i'm not clever enough to be a nerd !

Thats me tbh.....

I love computers, movies, games and women, and im also married, that means im a geek... but according to Tru im a Nerd as i have my rig spec in my sig ? go figure ?
I think its directly related to where you wear your trousers, if you go above a certain level you're a nerd.

*Frantically pulls down trousers*

I'll get my P45.
Tru said:
People with specs of their 'rigs' in their sig are nerds, the rest of you are geeks.

and also people who use numbers and/or punctuation instead of letters in their names? or who have those lame hyphen/dashes either side of their names? ;)
Arcade Fire said:
Dweebs were awesome sweets that Jasper had the other day.

mmmm, Dweeeebs.

there's so much to quote in this thread, but Visage and Tru summed it up within 5 posts!! :rolleyes:;)

i'm not either. i'm too cool for that.
A geek is a person who is socially normal but has hobbies or interest in things which are not social. At least not in RL :D

A nerd is just unsocial period.
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