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Geforce Titan rumours.

19 Oct 2008
Most of the sites I have seen are still selling at release prices its only on here prices have gone stupidly high.

Maybe they have no soon expected delivery date? I would be surprised if any company with stock or expecting delivery v.soon are not pricing theirs quite high.

AS for the Dyson example above, do you not see a flaw in that logic? How many people enjoy hoovering? WHy would someone spend £900 on something they don't enjoy doing/using. Gaming is rather different.
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15 Jun 2003
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1 Apr 2010
Maybe they have no soon expected delivery date? I would be surprised if any company with stock or expecting delivery v.soon are not pricing theirs quite high.

To be honest I totally expected it from ocuk, they pretty much always do things like this when new products are in short supply. But hey if people are stupid enough to buy at high prices thats upto them.
2 Jan 2012
I've got the money waiting for one, nearly pulled the trigger and then I realized what an absolute sadsack you would have to be to buy one TO PLAY GAMES WITH. I ask anyone to seriously consider not doing it. Grab a couple of 680s and wait for the next "real" release.

If your using it for business purposes, it's a profitable / justifiable cost.

How anyone can defend this practice is beyond me.

This forum is full of overly aggressive keyboard warriors who need to step out of the basement for awhile. This is the least friendly forum i've frequented in sometime and I can see why people are reluctant to post on here.

People defend graphics card brands like their children's lives depend on it.

If someone told you they dropped £900 on a Dyson vacuum cleaner you would probably laugh at them, the fact you can't define the same logic in the same instance is worrying.

My last four cards have been nVidia, but it's becoming clear what AMD have set out to do. Offer better value, better bundles and this is an act of desperation on nVidia's part. Buying into it is not the way to move forward.

Pause for a second and think about those who do have the money to spend on the card though. They just want the best and the price ain't a problem. Very little more thought goes into. Just because you decided you don't want the card now you don't have to troll those that have bought one, that just makes you in your own words a sadsack...
12 Mar 2010
Mine got sent out today from OCUK. Like Greg I paid at a few minutes past 2pm on release day... I'm guessing OCUK looked down their list of orders and packaged them up according to order time... you get that sort of service by paying a bit extra :p

Okay, sorry for that, pride comes before a fall and all that, and I do not have a Titan on my desk just yet and the tracking number OCUK sent me does not get recognised by DPD... so I'm still a little nervous.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Okay, sorry for that, pride comes before a fall and all that, and I do not have a Titan on my desk just yet and the tracking number OCUK sent me does not get recognised by DPD... so I'm still a little nervous.

It won't until about 11pm or so anyway.
20 Nov 2002
If someone told you they dropped £900 on a Dyson vacuum cleaner you would probably laugh at them, the fact you can't define the same logic in the same instance is worrying.

Was a whole lot more and finely put him on the map

In 1983, a Japanese company, Apex, licensed James' design and built the G-Force, which appeared on the front cover of Design Magazine the same year. In 1986, a production version of the G-Force was first sold in Japan for the equivalent of US$2,000.

Purchased two XFX 7970 Blacks on launch around £900 just to play games on.
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18 Oct 2012
So I see people are still going on about the price. When will people learn that people value their own money differently to how you may value it. It's like saying why go out and buy a Bugatti Veyron if you win the lottery when you could spend 200k modifying a Toyota Supra to go nearly as fast for 5 times less the price. I know which one I'd rather have and I also know which one I'd rather have out of a 7970 and a GTX TITAN regardless of the price.
12 Mar 2010
It won't until about 11pm or so anyway.

Cheers dude, makes me feel better :)

It's all getting a little exciting anyway! It was like x-mas waiting for confirmation it existed on that first day, then again there was the countdown to pre-sales being available and now it's going to be the same waiting for the parcel van. To be fair it all started a month or two back for me when I was trawling the net for details on the 780gtx I was expecting to come out this spring and which I had kinda promised myself even back then.
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22 Aug 2008
Someone should offer to read this thread start to finish for charity on youtube.

Guarantee they'd need sectioning afterwards but it's for a good cause.
1 Apr 2010
So I see people are still going on about the price. When will people learn that people value their own money differently to how you may value it. It's like saying why go out and buy a Bugatti Veyron if you win the lottery when you could spend 200k modifying a Toyota Supra to go nearly as fast for 5 times less the price. I know which one I'd rather have and I also know which one I'd rather have out of a 7970 and a GTX TITAN regardless of the price.

and people will keep on going on about the price as this is the first time a single gpu has been priced this high. Why is this so hard for some to understand? This card is also nothing like a Bugatti Veyron as it will be surpassed by a mid ranged card in a few years. Will A Veyron be surpassed by a Volkswagen Polo in 3 years time? No.

At the end of the day Titan is a good card for gaming with a stupid price. End off. If someone wants to pay that for a single gpu that's upto them, if they don't that's also upto them. ;)
18 Oct 2012
and people will keep on going on about the price as this is the first time a single gpu has been priced this high. Why is this so hard for some to understand? This card is also nothing like a Bugatti Veyron as it will be surpassed by a mid ranged card in a few years. Will A Veyron be surpassed by a Volkswagen Polo in 3 years time? No.

At the end of the day Titan is a good card for gaming with a stupid price. End off. If someone wants to pay that for a single gpu that's upto them, if they don't that's also upto them. ;)

Well that's my point it's entirely up to the buyer, but the people labelling them as crazy or pathetic for buying TITAN need to calm themselves down a little.
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