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Geforce Titan rumours.

Sorry mate, that's totally unfair !
I would say has anybody else actually received EVGA Titans ?, I get the picture these cards are only arriving in very small quantities and even less than the other suppliers. Also remember EVGA is not as big a player as the others, that could be a factor. I have not even seen availability directly from them yet.

You wont get an EVGA one for a while, Mark my words.
I seen it many many times with there new hardware over many years.
@Greg Just wait and be patient, It sucks but they will come.
Thing is no one foresaw this happening or maybe spread pre orders might have helped...mind you if your lucks like mine 4 would show up without announcement and then you have extra postage and hassle :D
Such a sucky offer compared to AMD's though lets be honest.

Seems a shame people are getting shafted on these. Im really hoping AMD pull something out of the bag, the 7970 release was some time ago now.

Naturally I am still jealous of everyone who has one on order ;)
Damn that sucks Greg :(

Get on at 5ub (if he's not still in oz) or Bailey, Bailey especially has been absolutely ******* awesome to me, especially in recent weeks.

The plus side? You're less likely to have to wait an age for blocks....I presume you've preordered those too?

I knew something was up when I still hadn't recieved my DPD tracking number. Phoned the e-tailer and I am first in queue for the next batch. I asked, how can this be when I ordered 2 on friday at around 14:02.... ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Blagged off and not happy :(

Unlucky Greg,

I would cancel the order on principal, just like someone else said already.

It's really bad for companies to do this, especially when they know people have to take time off work for deliveries etc.
Damn that sucks Greg :(

Get on at 5ub (if he's not still in oz) or Bailey, Bailey especially has been absolutely ******* awesome to me, especially in recent weeks.

The plus side? You're less likely to have to wait an age for blocks....I presume you've preordered those too?

I dont think he ordered his cards from here, He said too expensive which i agree with.

Buying a card for £929, You would have to be crazy especially as the 690 is cheaper and more powerful.
It doesn't work on any forum that I have been on. And to be honest I haven't seen anything too bad in these forums. The biggest thing I find is if somebody does have a criticism of AMD and somebody else argues against that criticism then they are branded an AMD fanboy and you get all these posts saying things like careful now, you don't want AMD fans leaping in to ruin the thread etc etc.

Those comments and the people who make them are the ones that action should be taken against, because they just inflame the situation.
This generation is so class. The popularity of being controversial. Send in your tweets! ¬_¬

The thing I like about Overclockers forums is everybody seems to be allowed say their piece. And that is right and proper. That shouldn't change and other forum users should be allowed argue with that view if they want, as long as it's respectful.
The culture has sadly changed for the worst.

Like the Titan for example, some people think it's too expensive, that's their opinion and they should be allowed express it without been jumped on.
Yes, that was a perfect example. Soon as someone points out something it automatically means they're jealous. A lot of control freaks with no power on forums nowadays.

"blaaaaah blaaaaaah enough already! so bloody bored with these posts! It's not a good purchase for you personally. So why post? It's a great buy for some people, me potentially included, for CUDA use. Damnit I'm so bored with these whingy negative jealousy posts…."
blaaaaah blaaaaaah enough already! so bloody bored with these posts! It's not a good purchase for you personally. So why post? It's a great buy for some people, me potentially included, for CUDA use. Damnit I'm so bored with these whingy negative jealousy posts....

I've got the money waiting for one, nearly pulled the trigger and then I realized what an absolute sadsack you would have to be to buy one TO PLAY GAMES WITH. I ask anyone to seriously consider not doing it. Grab a couple of 680s and wait for the next "real" release.

If your using it for business purposes, it's a profitable / justifiable cost.

How anyone can defend this practice is beyond me.

This forum is full of overly aggressive keyboard warriors who need to step out of the basement for awhile. This is the least friendly forum i've frequented in sometime and I can see why people are reluctant to post on here.

People defend graphics card brands like their children's lives depend on it.

If someone told you they dropped £900 on a Dyson vacuum cleaner you would probably laugh at them, the fact you can't define the same logic in the same instance is worrying.

My last four cards have been nVidia, but it's becoming clear what AMD have set out to do. Offer better value, better bundles and this is an act of desperation on nVidia's part. Buying into it is not the way to move forward.
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I dont think he ordered his cards from here, He said too expensive which i agree with.

Buying a card for £929, You would have to be crazy especially as the 690 is cheaper and more powerful.

Ahhh didn't realise he'd gone elsewhere.

Well if it makes you feel any better Greg, a certain retailer in Bolton has just ballsed up a vital order for my build - brilliant. Looks like we're both out of luck this week :(
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