GeIL 2GB (2x1GB) PC6400 800MHz Ultra DDR2 Dual Channel Kit (Only £108 @ OcUK)

Just for all people wondering, I emailed Geil as soon as these popped up at this price, and they said this memory is compaitable with 965 chipset. So all DS3/DS4/DS6 owners are good to go :cool:

Cheers, G.

*goes to order ;) :D*
Nazca said:
Mine don't come until Tuesday :( Ordered yesterday, and only just got the despatch email today. City Link haven't registered it yet :(

I've got everything set up except the RAM. :mad:

Should get them Monday mate.
I ordered some at around 3:30 yesterday (Thursday) afternoon however I knew I was cutting things fine for a Friday delivery.
Got the shipping notification through this morning at 9:30am so they should be here on Monday morning.
HI there

Today I shall be overclocking some of this memory in a Conroe Intel Bad Axe System. Lets see what it can do. :D
Hi there

Right the Intel Bad Axe motherboard is not good enough to cope with this memory:-

No matter what I do slacker timings, one stick I cannot push past the this FSB stable which is pretty common on the Intel 975X Bad Axe motherboard.

I think you will agree this is incredible memory as its running at its specified timings but at over PC8500 speeds, in fact well over PC8500 speeds. Its running at 1150MHz+ at CAS4-4-4-4 timings with just 2.2v.

I personally believe that in a top specification mainboard with good voltage upto 2.5v this memory will see 1200MHz+ at CAS4 and well beyond that at slacker timings.

If you thinking of buying memory this has to be it, why buy OCZ, Corsair PC8000/PC8500 at £300 when you can have this superior memory for a little over £100. :)

Get buying folks! I've just ordered another 2000 kits from GeIL to make sure we don't run out of this super duper memory, bargain of the century I think. Remember its compatible with all the Intel DDR2 motherboads and the AMD nForce based DDR2 mainboards too. Happy days!!
hey all...

call me cautious... call me whatever... but isnt anyone worried that although
sold for pc 6400 spd identifies them as 5300???

Gibbo... only reason that I mentioned the two diff, geill mems was in order to see if they are both using the same chips.

As a matter of a fact... I was waiting for a post like your last, so I can order a pair for me as well....

Hope sales go well!!!

... but to the subject!.... the spd thing has me a bit worried
u see... last mem i bought was a corsair XMS4400, and although rated as 275 at 2.5-4-4-8 they just wont do it.(SPD pc3200, 2.5-4-4-8)
they will go over 300 but not much over.. and at these timing will be stable at a 240max, anything over that needs slacker timings.

so a mem that sells for 6400 and spd idents them as 5300... prooves what...?
over rated chips..?
do the other set (PDC) ident as 5300?

why spend 300 for a corsair 8500.... cause most of the time.. what you pay is what you get...
and with 8500 u are rock stable to 1066 at default timing...
not gambling at 900 and over

I mean thank God for gibbos post or else.... I would still be digging through my pocket for a pair of corsair. ?Just to have my mind on easy... to know for sure that anything over 1066 is a motherboard issue and not mem.

and to close up,.. monday the 14th is my birthday.... :D
guess what I am treating me :P Geill i sure like this orange outfit of yours :cool:
grs_link said:
hey all...

call me cautious... call me whatever... but isnt anyone worried that although
sold for pc 6400 spd identifies them as 5300???

Gibbo... only reason that I mentioned the two diff, geill mems was in order to see if they are both using the same chips.

As a matter of a fact... I was waiting for a post like your last, so I can order a pair for me as well....

Hope sales go well!!!

... but to the subject!.... the spd thing has me a bit worried
u see... last mem i bought was a corsair XMS4400, and although rated as 275 at 2.5-4-4-8 they just wont do it.(SPD pc3200, 2.5-4-4-8)
they will go over 300 but not much over.. and at these timing will be stable at a 240max, anything over that needs slacker timings.

so a mem that sells for 6400 and spd idents them as 5300... prooves what...?
over rated chips..?
do the other set (PDC) ident as 5300?

why spend 300 for a corsair 8500.... cause most of the time.. what you pay is what you get...
and with 8500 u are rock stable to 1066 at default timing...
not gambling at 900 and over

I mean thank God for gibbos post or else.... I would still be digging through my pocket for a pair of corsair. ?Just to have my mind on easy... to know for sure that anything over 1066 is a motherboard issue and not mem.

and to close up,.. monday the 14th is my birthday.... :D
guess what I am treating me :P Geill i sure like this orange outfit of yours :cool:

Its not uncommon for dimms to ship with SPDs slower than they are rated..corsairs ddr1 XMS in particular had that a lot in the past. Im not sure JEDEC actually have approved DDR2-800 as an official standard yet and if so that could be why.

In this case its actually a Good Thing imo. With only 667 5-5-5 SPD and the capability to do 1000+ at 4-4-4, these things should boot in just about any of the 965 based board that are currently having issues with memory votlages and timings, then just manually set it to what they can actually do.....which is nice :)
robg1701 said:
In this case its actually a Good Thing imo. With only 667 5-5-5 SPD and the capability to do 1000+ at 4-4-4, these things should boot in just about any of the 965 based board that are currently having issues with memory votlages and timings, then just manually set it to what they can actually do.....which is nice :)

Thats a very good point :) Hopefully the problems that GSkill have been having with boards not giving their modules enough voltage at the stock settings won't bother the Geil.
Minstadave said:
Thats a very good point :) Hopefully the problems that GSkill have been having with boards not giving their modules enough voltage at the stock settings won't bother the Geil.

The GeIL does seem more versatile though as it will quite happily run at very low voltage too even at the PC2-6400 (DDR800) speeds. :)

I really want to see somebody push this memory to 1200MHz+ at CAS 4-4-4-12 as I know its possible with a decent motherboard and maybe 2.3v :D

Then next step will be to see somebody pushing it past 1300MHz+ with CAS 5-5-5-15 timings as again I have a feeling it will be capable. :)
Bought a set of this mem on Friday with a DS3 & E6300

At the moment anything over 450mhz fails memtest even with the timings as slack as they will go. :mad: Using F3 BIOS & DIMM OverVoltage set to +0.3.

Don't know whether I just got a bad set or if there some other issue holding it back but there is no way I'm going to get anything near what Gibbo posted.

Be interesting to see what other DS3/4 users get with this mem

* EDIT *
Just been reading over at XS & seems a couple of others are also having mem trouble over 900mhz, so it looks like my problem could be the DS3 & NOT the mem
Link (posts 306 & 307)
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wow wow!!! everybody have a break...!! can I at least suggest...!?

..lets use this week in fairness...

___Gibbo... with users us as... traditional customers for more than 3 years..
it is not a matter of achieving a high oc.. but having discent reliable hardware that will carry us for a year or even 2 with competitive oces and stable high setups!

thank u ocuk for allowing us to keep up with our hobby at always in the most competitive prices, truly ** dearest clients. :)

but as our fellow subscriber said..: "JEDEC actually have approved DDR2-800 as an official standard yet and if so that could be why"
... not for more??? what is the point of competing if not atleast having the minimum standard (800)

with all due respect...I am tired of this but as allready stated.. I quote: "then just manually set it to what they can actually do.....which is nice"

I agree and pls let me enjoy my bday!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll have a pair.... and let it run until nvidia and ATI develop boards that can handle intel chips (did I just move into a different subject? and I wonder why I dislike intel chips. this company is determent to become a mac :P )
[ I meant cpus that can be handled only by their own chipsets.. :P ]

overall wonderfull chips..! Amercans.... big airbugs that save lives... hey do they work..? why question them..? :P

jaric.. welcome to the club/... much appreciated your statement ;)
Can RizL4 or anyone with a ds4 mobo please state which bios version youve got and if it worked as soon as you put it in? I know it was mentioned to work, but does it work when u put it straight in? Some posts mentioned having to pop in cheap ram to up the voltage, will i have to do this with these? And iv also got mine coming soon.
"Gibbo you dont need to keep plugging it we know its good "

He needs to for there is another 2000 pcs on the way. At this rate, the stuff has got to "fly out", and not merely sold.

This is what happens when one is on a fanboy site as opposed to being a "forum" and any contrarian view means one is a fanboy too, which means we do not know the difference between "respect for yourself" and "respect for others". [Btw, it's good to see someone who is aware of both].

Merit stands on it's principle whereas selling stands upon disrespect. All dumbed-down/fanboy replies will be gratefully received. Fire away.......
ok this is starting to get a bit personall and I dont like it... perhaps I contributed a bit on that, if so I apologise.

issue here is the performance of the dimms.... and their value.

overclockability, stability, price, availability, these should be our concerns in this thread, not the marketing process of ocers.

so... come on ppl post some shots like Gibbos, we really want to see what you 've managed so far :cool:
Oh for the love of god why does it happen time after time that a thread with merit gets trashed, stamped upon and turned into rubbish??

These memory modules appeared in the OcUK shop at an amazing price and not surprisingly people were intested in them (I've just bought 2GB for delivery on Monday and may well buy another 2GB just because of their price).
People worry about D3/D4 compatability - question answered.
People worried about the SPD settings - question answered (and correctly, many, many DDR800 RAM has SPD settings of DDR667).

Then it all gets personal, people start attacking each other, people get accused of trying to push sales.
Just get over it.
You've got the make, you've got the model, you've got answers to the popular questions and you've got somebody posting screen shots of what the memory can do.
It's now time to...make up your own mind and decide if you want to buy some.
Nobody is forcing anybody, nobody is posting incorrect information in an attempt to sell more modules.

I expect OcUK have the modules on Sale or Return if they are buying that many so if you buy them or not is really not of worry to the store - the mention of 2000 units I'm sure was nothing more than reassurance that they won't run out of stock while on the "This Week Only" area or when they go back up in price (I would expect, even if only slightly) after this Thursday.
Sheesh - just keep the thread on topic!
“Oh for the love of god why does it happen time after time…”

By masking your reply as one of “trying to calm ‘fings”, you are being disrespectful to those who can decide matters for themselves, i.e. those who do not join gangs, teams, etc for the sake of being part of “greatness”. You are a latent fanboy.

If you see a bargain, then you’ll know what a bargain is for bargains are personal. The merit is within your intelligence/judgement, not because someone tells you so. They might inform you to, “Have a look at this, it could be a bargain”, but do they need to incessantly push you into it, like in advertisements on the TV, whose sole aim is to mesmerise which is why they’ll use any method to instill the message… like semi-naked bodies. They’ll go much further if the regulations permit it. They have no morals, not when they don’t even know what morals are as well as convincing themselves that “survival of the fittest” is the only reality, perhaps not even this far.

So, the knowledge gap is still there, other than one “sample”. Can these memory really overclock? All else are the myths of guesswork, faith, hope and sales. Sure, I bought one unit because I recognise the merit which, in my case, is price vs potential. By trying to enhance faith to become reality, we are practicing hynosis. Let the individual decides what merit means. You only need to present your particular facts.
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