GeIL 2GB (2x1GB) PC6400 800MHz Ultra DDR2 Dual Channel Kit (Only £108 @ OcUK)

Cir108 said:
“Oh for the love of god why does it happen time after time…”

By masking your reply as one of “trying to calm ‘fings”, you are being disrespectful to those who can decide matters for themselves, i.e. those who do not join gangs, teams, etc for the sake of being part of “greatness”. You are a latent fanboy.

If you see a bargain, then you’ll know what a bargain is for bargains are personal. The merit is within your intelligence/judgement, not because someone tells you so. They might inform you to, “Have a look at this, it could be a bargain”, but do they need to incessantly push you into it, like in advertisements on the TV, whose sole aim is to mesmerise which is why they’ll use any method to instill the message… like semi-naked bodies. They’ll go much further if the regulations permit it. They have no morals, not when they don’t even know what morals are as well as convincing themselves that “survival of the fittest” is the only reality, perhaps not even this far.

So, the knowledge gap is still there, other than one “sample”. Can these memory really overclock? All else are the myths of guesswork, faith, hope and sales. Sure, I bought one unit because I recognise the merit which, in my case, is price vs potential. By trying to enhance faith to become reality, we are practicing hynosis. Let the individual decides what merit means. You only need to present your particular facts.

I think your missing the whole point of OcUK and these forums....

OcUK goes that little bit extra further than other competitors....

Even if this memory did not overclock, its a superb bargain as you won't or will certainly struggle to find a PC2-6400 CAS 4-4-4-12 kits at these prices. So irrelevant of overclock potential these kits are incredible value and OcUK could very easily sell 1000's of these even without trying to push them.

However OcUK goes that little bit further by actually testing one of these kits to see if the rumours of them supposedly been good is true. The results prove how great these kits are. As these are all from the same batch, same week of production etc. using same chips then they will all hit similar speeds which seem to be in the region of 1100MHz+ at CAS 4-4-4-12 settings. However OcUK does not guarantee them to hit such speeds all down to the fact not every end user has the overclocking knowledge or other equipment to get the modules that far. As has already been seen a different motherboard can effect the overclock ability greatly, but one would blame the RAM possibly.

All OcUK has done is to be different from the competition, we've not only brought everybody in the UK a superb memory deal, but have also overclocked the memory and shown everybody how capable these modules are. Were not forcing you or anybody to buy into these modules were just advertising them heavily and marketing them well.

We could say sell 1000 of these kits in a week just alone on the value for money factor. However why should I settle for 1000 sales when I know that these are capable kits and therefor I have proven they are great clockers to the OC community by my very own results. This now means that instead of just selling 1000 kits in a week, this may increase upto 2000 or even more sales. So yes OcUK sells a lot more and we have a lot more happy customers who are impressed by getting such a good deal.
Hmm... was planning to buy Corsair 2GB DDR2 XMS2-6400C4 TwinX, but the GeILs look tempting, £40 cheaper and superb overclockers.

Anyone got comments about GeIL reliabilty? I've used Corsair several times in the past and I know that it's pretty much bombprooof, but have never used GeIL before.

jgresham said:
Hmm... was planning to buy Corsair 2GB DDR2 XMS2-6400C4 TwinX, but the GeILs look tempting, £40 cheaper and superb overclockers.

Anyone got comments about GeIL reliabilty? I've used Corsair several times in the past and I know that it's pretty much bombprooof, but have never used GeIL before.


Geil is just as reliable as Corsair. We sell both and get very little back of either. :)
Bandwagon truly jumped upon here - mine's on it's way, to replace the G.skill NR PC2-6400 that didn't work in my DS4, and the boring Elixir PC2-5300 that did ;)

I ordered it very early on Saturday morning (4am - don't ask!) and I got an email from OcUK despatch at 3pm saying "Your Order has been packed and is in the process of being shipped" and quoting a CityLink ref number that doesn't actually work.

Does that mean I'll get it today? Or tomorrow as expected? ***oh the anticipation***

I could do with some noob advice about OCing this kit. Currently I'm running an [email protected] at 2.33ghz and all I've done to achieve that 25% OC is turn up the processor to 7 x 333 and the Elixir memory to 2.00 (so it runs at stock 667). And thats it. Runs at 28-32 degrees most of the time, even when playing Oblivion, and thats with a crappy quiet Speeze HSF that only runs at 750 to 950 rpm!

But say I want to OC to a comfortable 2.8ghz with the Geil - is it just a case of CPU to 7 x 400 and leave the memory at 2.00 or will I have to mess with voltages? And if I want to go higher (say 3ghz or 3.2ghz, or the amazing 100% OC figure of 3.6ghz that TheAsgard almost achieved) how do I safely do that?

Point me at an OCing guide if you will, but specific advice regarding safe OCing & voltage settings on the DS4 would be appreciated.

For cooling I've got a Thermaltake Big Typhoon 4 in 1 on order too - what a beast!

I've just ordered some - be here Tuesday.

I shall compare to my OCZ that does 975 at 4,5,4,15 2.1v

Agree that for the price, even if it does not get to 1200Mhz its a real bargin and if it means i end up with 4Gb running at 900Mhz day to day... well :D
I'm confused to :P I ordered on friday night, dispatched on saturday at 2pm or so would it come today or tuesday? Tracking doesnt work..
Can i ask how good is cpuz for giving details, i have the ram mentioned in this thread just the 2x512k sticks and when i look in cpu'z for speed its got the latencys odd

Frequency 390
FSB/Dram 1.1
Cas# Latency 3.0
Ras# to Cas# Delay 6
Ras# Percentage 6
Cylce Time(Trans) 18

Now i have the latest version of cpuz and the ram is set to auto in bios.
Jabbs said:
Can i ask how good is cpuz for giving details, i have the ram mentioned in this thread just the 2x512k sticks and when i look in cpu'z for speed its got the latencys odd

Frequency 390
FSB/Dram 1.1
Cas# Latency 3.0
Ras# to Cas# Delay 6
Ras# Percentage 6
Cylce Time(Trans) 18

Now i have the latest version of cpuz and the ram is set to auto in bios.

That is right, its just your motherboards BIOS setting the timings rather slack.

You want to change them too 3-4-4-12 and see how that goes. :)

If that works then go for 3-3-3-10 and report back. :)

As this memory can run at CAS3.0 too when running at lower FSB speeds. :)
Jabbs said:
It wouldn't boot up on those timings for some reason

Make sure your giving them about 2.1-2.2v if that don't work then your best bet will be 4-4-4-10 timings. :)
Voltage is 2.2 but won't have any of the timings just the its happy with those thanx for that.

I just orderd another 2x512 sticks of this ram as i won't be going much higher than i am now the rams at 780 so under the speed they can do.

Must add also seems to have sharpend the pc response up a lot too with those timings.
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Jabbs said:
Voltage is 2.2 but won't have any of the timings just the its happy with those thanx for that.

I just orderd another 2x512 sticks of this ram as i won't be going much higher than i am now the rams at 780 so under the speed they can do.

Must add also seems to have sharpend the pc response up a lot too with those timings.

Hi m8

In that case give a go and see how that goes. :)

If that goes fine go for a go, remember even if it loads windows do plenty of testing to make sure its stable or run memtest. :)
Wasn't keen on those seems to be happy with but taking your adivce and running that GO program now to stress cpu/ram how long would i need to run this for a fair idea that alls ok.
Jabbs said:
Wasn't keen on those seems to be happy with but taking your adivce and running that GO program now to stress cpu/ram how long would i need to run this for a fair idea that alls ok.

OK then, last try go for !!
Run the programme for a good hour on both CPU's if you have dual core. :)
Just trying the settings of atm been on go thing for 2 hrs nearly with no issues, still not had confirmation my order has been picked and dispatched yet
Gibbo or anyone : how hot do these modules get at 2.1~2.2V? Noticeable or not?

Oh, and mine are now on route to the delivery branch so tommorow hopefully :)
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