Whats this? A Labour activist who was BNP and helped a Labour MP? Never you say! Well......
Maxfield had a long history with the BNP. He was appointed local organiser by no less a person than then BNP leader Nick Griffin back in 2004 when he was described by his predecessor as being one of the ‘drug dealers and football hooligans’ who made up the local branch of the BNP.
He didn’t defect straight to Labour though – first he joined the white supremacist ‘England First Party’. Of course, had he been a member of UKIP, we’d have read about all this on the front pageof the Mirror and the Guardian, and Hope not Hate and [Unite Against Fascism] would have been picketing his house.
But, since he eventually joined Labour, that’s alright then. As a fellow Labour councillor said when he was made cabinet member for culture, “To be fair to Trevor, he’s quite a good bloke. I think his BNP stuff is in the past”. Not that far in the past, as he is pictured at a ‘Heritage & Destiny’ meeting in Bradford in 2006 with various other luminaries of the far right, including Eddy Morrison and Dave Smith.
[It is] a strange world indeed where Maxfield is not just accepted but promoted within the Labour Party despite his far right links, while he would not even qualify for membership of UKIP because of his past associations.
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