We'd be a laughing stock on the international stage with Milliband at the helm.
To who yank neocons and nutyyahoo?
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We'd be a laughing stock on the international stage with Milliband at the helm.
No, Keep it as is
Maybe add a 'Do not intend to vote' option?
A weekly poll snapshot would be nice which will then culminate with the GD election vote/discussion thread.
In Finland they have bottle/can machines where you feed in your empty bottles and cans (various sizes) and it scans them and tots up how much money you get back. It's been a while since I lived there, so I can't remember the exact amounts, but at the end it printed you out a receipt which acted as a coupon for the value which you could then spend in store (you may have been able to convert it to cash... I can't remember). It definitely led to more recycling - I was in a halls of residence, so full of students who were more than happy to get money back
Why would a party want a coalition with the UKIP's 2-4 seats?
The libdems make much more sense, or the SNP is where the real difference would come from.
I'd ask which party people would want to win, rather than who they're voting for, given the FPTP system and how people may not vote for their ideal candidate.
Just pulled an empty bottle of S.Pellegrino out of my indoor recycling bin and it's 10c.
Can't understand why anyone would vote conservative...
Unless most people on this board are rich southerners
Thanks for the correction
Can't understand why anyone would vote conservative...
Unless most people on this board are rich southerners
Can't understand why anyone would vote conservative...
Unless most people on this board are rich southerners
The economy is doing better and we have a lot more jobs because tax has been reduced. It is about keeping the UK competitive and leaving more in workers pockets. Spending is not completely under control, it is going in the right direction though and eventually will run a surplus. A surplus is achievable through efficient expenditure but not through raising taxes.Does anyone have a take on the whole debt/deficit situation?
Cameron's saying we've got it under control but we need to carry on cutting. Milliband's saying we could spend/tax a bit more and still be fine. Clegg saying we should be somewhere in the 'middle'. Then according to Farage we haven't even made an impact on the deficit and are still overspending. Then there's the SNP/Greens claiming we don't need to worry about it and that we should stop austerity and carry on as before.
Can anyone find any evidence to backup their statements as they all seem to be contradicting each other!
I can't see how any Conservative supporter can say that we'll be a laughter stock on the world stage with Miliband in charge. Obama thinks that Cameron is an intellectual lightweight and the rest of Europe hates Cameron.