The bottom 10%, the poorest people in this country, across all forms of taxation, pay 45% tax on their income.....
Where as the top 10% pay just 33%..
This needs to stop, right here, right now.
and a good analogy I saw somewhere (could have been here) is that it should not come from "how can we tax the rich more", but from how we should tax the poor less!.
They do not pay 45% of 'income' tax.
In your analogy is if someone 'rich' and someone 'poor' buy the same car, then in VAT terms the poor person has paid more tax.
No they have not. They have paid the same amount of tax. Whether or not that amount is a larger % of their total amount of money is a different matter.
Are you suggesting we should have different VAT rates, council tax rates for everything as a proportion of what you have? If so then state which items should be categorised and subject to this luxury rate of VAT. I am not against this in reality, but you have to be careful on what you suggest.
I just ponder if you think a good way to do it, is by adding 12% to the income tax rate? I think this would be short sighted and idiotic, people have different expenses at different income levels.
I chose to have sickness protection, sickness insurance, income protection policies, critical illness cover, life insurance and assurance. None of this is tax deductible, but if I lose a hand, or some such injury, I will still be able to care and afford my family. I won't be a sponge on society, I am not in your 10% top chaps, nowhere close to it.
These policies slap my disposable income massively, but they won't be anywhere in your figures on the amount of tax I pay, yet me taking such policies benefits the rest of society by in the case of such an event means I won't be a benefit claimant for the rest of my life.
How would you end the massive disparity you see in the figures? How exactly do they arrive to the totals?