I wish that Mainly macro guy got more attention... far more apt a person to listen to.
Will do anything to not have to move his stuff out of No 10. Fair play to him though.
Nice to see Clegg acknowledging his party's preference against a second tory coalition. Pretty much scuppers any hope for Cameron remaining PM, there would have to be some major concessions for Clegg to swing it by his party that Cameron would be hard pressed to swing by his.
But its the most engaging way to literally stand in front of people. So you want to force them to retreat back to sanitised stuff such as Tv studios and twitter and not engage the public.
Yet at the same time you accuse them of being remote.
So which way is it, engage directly or not and be accused of being corporate
Me tooanother reason to hate Rupert Murdoch's SNP - if they'd actually have delivered independence for Scotland then we'd still have Biohazard here.
The Labour party, spitting in the face of British values and womens rights:
TUSC for me. Our local candidate was a special needs teacher and led the successful campaign to keep the local special needs school open when faced with closure. I also agree with a number of policies they have.
Are the circumstances that different from 2010? I mean, you said the members understood why there wasn't really a choice in terms of coalition... why's it different now? Going with the party which has the most votes and most seats would be completely legitimate, no?
As long as these 'red lines' are kept to, what's the big issue who they go with? They got a number of decent wins last time, no? Can't the members see that being in government can achieve a lot? Especially if there's not going to be a repeat of tuition-fee-pledge-gate.
Sounds like Cowardly Cameron is preparing to steal the election and remain Prime Minister if Labour don't win more seats than the Conservatives.
Not like he is trying to promote his book or anything...Finally! Exposed! The Deficit Myth! So, David Cameron When Are You Going to Apologise?
I don't know if this has been posted already, but I'll admit to not knowing what, or who, to believe any more.
Ramesh Patel read economics at Sussex University, worked in media and finance from investment adviser to commodities broker in metals and currencies. Currently writing a book on the UK deficit Myth and the real agenda of the right and left.