The entire point of the EU is that it treats people within it fairly but those outside are treated differently - this creates a desire for their countries to become part of it. Must like within the UK we're all treated equally in terms of freedom of movement regardless of the EU etc.
I actually support the idea of properly controlled immigration, right now it's a mess but for me the EU is a vital, we've had closer and closer ties with the continent since ~700 AD with Offa of Mercia and Charlemagne, it's not as if trade with the other countries in the EU is new but the question is whether it's not grown to a degree where it's able to over-rule our democratically elected national governments. I'd actually welcome a referendum on that.
However almost everything else about the UKIP party puts me off, they remind me of the SNP in it's infancy and hopefully getting a few MPs will help them mature and refine their policies and staff to make them palatable to people like myself, but not at this election. Right now they've far too many idiots on their books, a few of whom seem to be downright racist, or just downright stupid (they are not the only party like that).