Poll: General election voting round 5 (final one)

Voting intentions in the General Election?

  • Alliance Party of Northern Ireland

    Votes: 3 0.3%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 403 42.2%
  • Democratic Unionist Party

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 59 6.2%
  • Labour

    Votes: 176 18.4%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 67 7.0%
  • Not voting/will spoil ballot

    Votes: 42 4.4%
  • Other party (not named)

    Votes: 8 0.8%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Respect Party

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 37 3.9%
  • Social Democratic and Labour Party

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 154 16.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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The policies are in my view damaging, regressive and overly simplistic. They are designed to appeal to the disenfranchised and negative, many of woman are racist/nationalistic. The party appears supported by and run by thickos and many thickos are racists.

Sorry have we moved on to the SNP now? I can't keep up! :p
The central UKIP policies are towards independence from the EU. It is the only party that advocates this. Why is such a view considered 'racist' ?

Sharp population increases over short time spans, inevitably impact upon social infrastructure. Why is advocating control over immigration 'racist'?

If you look at the present immigration it discriminates against non EU citizens, a points based system would treat everyone equally.

The entire point of the EU is that it treats people within it fairly but those outside are treated differently - this creates a desire for their countries to become part of it. Must like within the UK we're all treated equally in terms of freedom of movement regardless of the EU etc.

I actually support the idea of properly controlled immigration, right now it's a mess but for me the EU is a vital, we've had closer and closer ties with the continent since ~700 AD with Offa of Mercia and Charlemagne, it's not as if trade with the other countries in the EU is new but the question is whether it's not grown to a degree where it's able to over-rule our democratically elected national governments. I'd actually welcome a referendum on that.

However almost everything else about the UKIP party puts me off, they remind me of the SNP in it's infancy and hopefully getting a few MPs will help them mature and refine their policies and staff to make them palatable to people like myself, but not at this election. Right now they've far too many idiots on their books, a few of whom seem to be downright racist, or just downright stupid (they are not the only party like that).
Just some extra voting info if you don't like mass surveillance:

Tory/Lab - love mass surveillance and will likely increase the powers of GCHQ
Lib Dems/SNP - would increase oversight of GCHQ and are against snoopers charter
Greens - strongly against mass surveillance
So you have no issue with Mr Blay given he isn't an ex-BNP member :confused:

I'm not surprised you used the confused smile, i didn't expect you to read my post properly, like the part where i didn't mention Mr Blay at all. Just to be clear, he's a cretin and glad he's been kicked out. But let me ask you something, do you like every single MP of the party you like? I can list endless MP's who have been arrested for all sorts of things that are highly illegal, for some reason this doesn't reflect on the party, so for balance i don't think Mr Blay reflects on UKIP. And a lot of people are bored of others trying to make it so. There was a PDF floating around of 219 MP's who have had indiscretions since Jan 1st that has hardly been reported, many of those which are regrettably far far worse then what Mr Blay has said and done. I'll try to dig it up

Do you think the current selection process is rigorous for UKIP candidates ?

It's by far the most rigorous of any party, barr none, of course improvements can be made and i'm sure they will tighten it even further now
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I don't believe this is a coincidence.

It isn't.

What they don't seem to realise is how British people go abroad, and 'take their jobs'. And responding against racist claims for their policies with "it's aimed at others", "you know what I mean." We certainly do.
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It's by far the most rigorous of any party, barr none, of course improvements can be made and i'm sure they will tighten it even further now

I know UKIPers love to state "but Labour have ex-BNP members" but there is a world of difference, when someone moves to the left from where they have been it's generally viewed as a complete shift in their mind set.

UKIP attracts bigoted voters because of their regressive view on 'Little England' one may even call them BNPlite. A shift from the right to the right is not a mindset change
I know UKIPers love to state "but Labour have ex-BNP members" but there is a world of difference, when someone moves to the left from where they have been it's generally viewed as a complete shift in their mind set.

UKIP attracts bigoted voters because of their regressive view on 'Little England' one may even call them BNPlite. A shift from the right to the right is not a mindset change

You and moonx should do a comedy duo.

I'd love to know how\were the cons are going to save £12bn of welfare cuts.
I know UKIPers love to state "but Labour have ex-BNP members" but there is a world of difference, when someone moves to the left from where they have been it's generally viewed as a complete shift in their mind set.

UKIP attracts bigoted voters because of their regressive view on 'Little England' one may even call them BNPlite. A shift from the right to the right is not a mindset change

Oh come on that's pathetic! ex-BNP members of Labour are OK?? Sorry that's just scrapping the barrel!!
The entire point of the EU is that it treats people within it fairly but those outside are treated differently - this creates a desire for their countries to become part of it. Must like within the UK we're all treated equally in terms of freedom of movement regardless of the EU etc.

I actually support the idea of properly controlled immigration, right now it's a mess but for me the EU is a vital, we've had closer and closer ties with the continent since ~700 AD with Offa of Mercia and Charlemagne, it's not as if trade with the other countries in the EU is new but the question is whether it's not grown to a degree where it's able to over-rule our democratically elected national governments. I'd actually welcome a referendum on that.

However almost everything else about the UKIP party puts me off, they remind me of the SNP in it's infancy and hopefully getting a few MPs will help them mature and refine their policies and staff to make them palatable to people like myself, but not at this election. Right now they've far too many idiots on their books, a few of whom seem to be downright racist, or just downright stupid (they are not the only party like that).

Well you could argue the point about what is the purpose of the EU, but whatever its purpose, surely for it to survive it must have the consent of the various member populations? It's fine if you are in favour of membership, but there are a lot of people who want to express their own desire to leave the EU and a referendum is the only way to determine that.

So being against a referendum on the basis that you might be afraid of the answer, is surely undemocratic? Also I think for those who are pro EU, arguably they should want a referendum to put the issue to bed and then Britain can commit fully to federalization.

You agree that our current immigration policy needs to be improved, but as a signee of the Schengen agreement, we have lost control of immigration from EU member states.

On the subject of the SNP, I can't help but feel they have been heavily demonized by the wider media. Ironically they are also a Europhile party so you would agree with them on that point if nothing else.
I know UKIPers love to state "but Labour have ex-BNP members" but there is a world of difference, when someone moves to the left from where they have been it's generally viewed as a complete shift in their mind set.

UKIP attracts bigoted voters because of their regressive view on 'Little England' one may even call them BNPlite. A shift from the right to the right is not a mindset change

lol let me get this straight, so when former BNP members move to Labour they have had some kind of life changing epiphany, but if they join UKIP they must be bigots?

..come on, just be consistent, if someone is a former member of the BNP then there is a decent chance they may harbour intolerant or potentially racist attitudes towards minorities.
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