Try reading my post again and seeing if you can manage to find those words anywhere in it.
Well from your link I can't find one racist Sikh so that must mean........
Try reading my post again and seeing if you can manage to find those words anywhere in it.
It seems to be another individual every other week though.
Scotland gets both more MPs per head than the rest of the UK and powerful local representation through Holyrood. That doesn't seem entirely balanced, does it?
And the fact fact he's a massive racist.
Not half as inbreed as the anti-kippers seems to be, especially that Hope not Hate lot
They look like the cast of The League of Gentlemen!
Are you mocking that chap because he is in a wheel chair, or because he is little or both?
Are you mocking that chap because he is in a wheel chair, or because he is little or both?
Not good enough for your Britain? Oi, Godwin, get in here.
Rubbish. My X GF was from Punjab and I know 100s of Sikhs(also from Punjab) none are racist.
Well my experience has been very different.
It's like talking to a brick wall with a broken record embedded in it, it's a sheep mentality
Rubbish. My X GF was from Punjab and I know 100s of Sikhs(also from Punjab) none are racist.
I mock all Hope no Hate protesters because of of their inability to reason or have a coherent thought. Their inability to hear the truth and live in some cloud cuckoo land fairy tale. They all come acorss as having extremely low IQ's and unable to have thought of their own, i think they are inbreed to be frank. After all who would breed with such weirdos?nothing to do with wheel chairs, try again
Sounds like some other people I know.
Not surprised you'd hang around other Marxists, i feel sorry for you, they must be insufferable.
They are insufferable, you got that right, but you are looking at the wrong end of the spectrum. Kippers are the most insufferable people imaginable.
I would much rather spend a day with a BNper than a kipper, the former know what they are, the latter pretend to be something they are not.