General RPG discussion (formally : DND + RPG)

13 May 2003
How's everyone's dnd going?
I'm about 5 sessions in with my new group. Enjoying it beginning to get to grips with the mechanics and there is a reasonable group dynamic. We're a couple of players short meaning if someone is missing it's a bit limiting but can't complain too much. We're playing 5e using old Basic Set Adventures in the Mystara setting. Which reminds of my old red and blue box days as a kid. Which I still have stored away :D
14 Jun 2004
The dm.

The rarest of fruit!
a good DM are stuff of legenards
:D ;)
to be fair not every ones cut out for a DM role so they are indeed rare for the decent ones or the ones you mesh with.

whats the new campaine going to be and do you think your char will be? ya all looked like you were enjoying your self from the image :)
14 May 2011
Cornwall, England
I've still got lots of D&D going on each week, approx 3 games a week with the occasional gap here and there.

On the weekends I'm still DMing for two groups of friends that I met through D&D Beyond around 2020 with our homebrew world.
One of the groups is nearing the end of their current campaign so I've been starting to redesign for the next set of stories. The other group is probably just beyond the midway point of their campaign.

Also got the midweek game with some of the gang from here on the forums that's been playing with rotating DMs since around 2017.
We're just nearing the end of Dungeon of the Mad Mage, so we'll probably be looking at switching DM for the next campaign soon. I think a couple of us were looking at the either doing the newer Phandelver book or the Avernus book for the next campaign... I've also been toying with planning some kind of custom 'Faerun in Turmoil' plot as we've failed to stop the bad guys a couple of times, so we could have a bit of fun around cleaning up the mess caused the release of Tiamat and others.
13 Jan 2010
a good DM are stuff of legenards
:D ;)
to be fair not every ones cut out for a DM role so they are indeed rare for the decent ones or the ones you mesh with.

whats the new campaine going to be and do you think your char will be? ya all looked like you were enjoying your self from the image :)

Yeah it kind of imploded while I was on holiday! It was destined to end in hindsight due to player-player clashes. And DM-player clashes. Player player wasn't too bad. But the DM bit was a bit more... This is done.
At one point the DM post session told 2 of us he wasn't very happy with us doing something. But it was in character, it wasn't evil at all. It wasn't party damaging. We then got railroaded.
Felt like dm had a fixed idea of how he wanted the campaign to go. But instead of guiding it that way.. It was railroaded.
So for both dm and player mismatches the DM called it off. Which I think was the right call.

New campaign, same character for me, new people.
Looks like 6 players and 1 dm.

We have a
Paladin/rock gnome
Fighter/human (not sure how keen this person is)
Me: bard/fairy

Session 0 happened last week. Session 1 is next week. Hope it lasts longer!
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14 May 2011
Cornwall, England
Demiplane being acquired by Roll20 is an interestering development that I don't think anyone saw coming.
I'm curious to see what the future holds for their platforms... at the moment it sounds like they're remaining as individual entities with the intention to link them together through an API.

It was a nice surprise to see that some publishers had given permission for copies of their content to be shared between platforms for users at no extra cost.

14 Jun 2004
Yep i saw that the other day, an was going to post it but got side tracked. seems like a good move, possibly to compete with D&D Beyond. expand the player base also.

413x will reply a bit later​

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13 May 2003
Another session in our little DnD group, sadly on 3 + GM again but the one-shot was quite scaleable and still proved a challenge. We finished it without combat for the finale which was good. We're looking to recruit a few more for the next session which is a reworked Basic DnD Module updated for 5e. I'm hoping we haven't lost some of our earlier members permanently as we had a good rapport with them. Still fun and at once a fortnight not too demanding.
13 Jan 2010
I'm now in 2 dnd groups and do organised one shots at the local games place.
Last night was quite fun (one shot) where a manticore got mocked to literal death! :D
14 Jun 2004
Roll20 email notice about a potential securit breach fyi

413x some DMs arent very flexible, and or are not able to be so impromtu on generating ideas to keep stories going when something unexpected happens, is it possible they were one of those?
it does sound like the right move thought.DM's gotta be having fun to and if its not then its a waste :/ i understand a lot of prep work can go in on the DM side (not DMed)
"Fighter/human (not sure how keen this person is)" keen on DnD or on the group? human/fight versatile but could afford to lose that witht he Ranger and Paladin i think with out effecting the group tomuch untill some one crokes it and they can maybe take on a tankier build or not. some times its fun not to and force alterantive thinking :)
i think you must be on sesssion 3/4 this week?
14 Jun 2004
makes me think if these episodes :

i dotn have access to double check but im pretty sure its these ones :)
hopefully your session wassnt quiet so bad :D

yep those are the right videos. didnt go so well for them. its not DND but its what i thought about when you said underwater.
Bird guy next fight? ah next general. sounds like an interesting module The Demon Queen Awakens.
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14 Jun 2004
Another session in our little DnD group, sadly on 3 + GM again but the one-shot was quite scaleable and still proved a challenge. We finished it without combat for the finale which was good. We're looking to recruit a few more for the next session which is a reworked Basic DnD Module updated for 5e. I'm hoping we haven't lost some of our earlier members permanently as we had a good rapport with them. Still fun and at once a fortnight not too demanding.
how are things going PlacidCasual? which one shot are you on at the moment? did you manage to get hold or reel back any additional players?
13 May 2003
how are things going PlacidCasual? which one shot are you on at the moment? did you manage to get hold or reel back any additional players?
Things are going well, thank you for asking. We played a OneShot called From the Forest They Fled. It's a DM's Guild module part of a pack whose name escapes me. It was good although we were down to 3 + DM. One of our members has confirmed they won't be returning which is a real shame because they were quite the character, it may be the UK timing just wasn't convenient, being mid afternoon on a Sunday in the US for them. I don't know about the other member who is Scottish, still hoping they'll return we seemed to get on. In the meantime we have recruited 2 new members to join the campaign, not spoken to or played alongside either yet. We're having a week off for 4th July Celebrations in the US (not me). Then we're going to be playing an old Basic Edition module set on Mystara called Raheisa (sp?) which involves an eleven village.

I've really enjoyed playing the campaign so far and with the group, so definitely looking to continue.
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