The jailbreaking community has been inundated with drama in the last couple weeks. The Chronic Dev Team has been working on a jailbreak called greenpois0n which uses two exploits: a bootrom exploit found by posixninja and first exploited by pod2g called SHAtter, and a userland exploit which comex found. This allows the jailbreak to be untethered.
Many months ago, geohot found another completely different bootrom exploit but never released it. In fact, he said he left the scene.
The Chronic Dev Team were prepared to release their jailbreak tomorrow when geohot suddenly told everyone yesterday that he was releasing limera1n (his bootrom jailbreak) after the Chronic Dev Team released theirs -- Monday. In the mean time, comex gave geohot his userland exploit which made on the grounds that geohot would not use it for limera1n.
Geohot decided to use the userland exploit anyway and released limera1n today. It was released initially with a lot of bugs and then patched with a beta2 shortly ago. This is confirmed to work. Please do not use mirrors of the jailbreak, it was released initially before it worked entirely. Always get it from thelimera1n website.
This means the greenpois0n jailbreak will probably not be released until after geohot's exploit is patched in new bootrom presses. In fact, there stands a chance that Apple will discover and patch both vulnerabilities.