Getting back into movie surround sound... best bang for buck?

Well, after more research and soul searching I have now decided on the following Dali Zensor speaker combo:

Fronts: Dali zensor 3
Rears: Dali zensor 1
Center: Dali Vokal
Sub: E-9F

I can get it a little cheaper than the equivalent MA Bronze package and from a more reputable dealer. Feedback on them is also better than the MA Bronzes. I'll see if I can find a place to listen to them where I live... :)
Well, after more research and soul searching I have now decided on the following Dali Zensor speaker combo:

Fronts: Dali zensor 3
Rears: Dali zensor 1
Center: Dali Vokal
Sub: E-9F

I can get it a little cheaper than the equivalent MA Bronze package and from a more reputable dealer. Feedback on them is also better than the MA Bronzes. I'll see if I can find a place to listen to them where I live... :)

they aren't better according to this

or is that a different dali package?
they aren't better according to this

or is that a different dali package?

I have read a ton of user feedback in various forums including people who compared them both directly and while its all subjective, there are a ton of people who said they opted for the dalis as they sounded warmer and the bronze was more clinical.

I specced the Dali Zensor 3 as Fronts and not the 1s which are part of that package you linked to. I can also upgrade the sub to the E-12F for a little more.

Meh anyway all of this is speculation on my part and I basically need to stfu and try and audition them both somehow or I'll never be sure. That will be my mission next week.
Good stuff, going for a decent setup will really be a step up. MA Bronze speakers are nice, used to ow an old set of B2 bookshelfs.

Sub: E-9F

Well.............. that sub looks truly pants. £400 for a 9" driver with piddly 170W amplifier is about as bad value as a sub can get.

Please do not waste your money on that crap.

yeah their stuff looks as good as it sounds.

i've seen a lot of ugly looking speakers and nothing compared to MA.

BK subs look really good too.

BK subs are far superior in every respect, Sonny has got some great kit for nice prices. A simple substitution would be the BK XLS400 for the Dali sub and would quite simply **** all over it. How large is your room?

Should you want to consider other direct to consume manufacturers then have a look at the XTZ subs or the new Arendal brand. Look in the sub section over on avforums for more info.

For around £450-£800 (model dependent) you'll get yourself a 500W sub with a 12" (XTZ) or 13.8" driver (Arendal).

I personally have x2 or the XTZ 1x12 subs, which truly rock the living room to pieces. But their new 12.17 sub looks to be incredible value at £450 and comes in both black/white. These are another step up from the BK mentioned above and FYI I've owned a BK Gemini & Monolith.
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Good stuff, going for a decent setup will really be a step up. MA Bronze speakers are nice, used to ow an old set of B2 bookshelfs.

Well.............. that sub looks truly pants. £400 for a 9" driver with piddly 170W amplifier is about as bad value as a sub can get.

Please do not waste your money on that crap.

BK subs are far superior in every respect, Sonny has got some great kit for nice prices. A simple substitution would be the BK XLS400 for the Dali sub and would quite simply **** all over it. How large is your room?

Should you want to consider other direct to consume manufacturers then have a look at the XTZ subs or the new Arendal brand. Look in the sub section over on avforums for more info.

For around £450-£800 (model dependent) you'll get yourself a 500W sub with a 12" (XTZ) or 13.8" driver (Arendal).

I personally have x2 or the XTZ 1x12 subs, which truly rock the living room to pieces. But their new 12.17 sub looks to be incredible value at £450 and comes in both black/white. These are another step up from the BK mentioned above and FYI I've owned a BK Gemini & Monolith.

My room size and intended use is in the OP...definately not seeking room shaking and neighbour annoying bass, just tightly controlled and refined bass that will handle anything I throw at it.

In fairness, while the dali sub is by no means anything approach monster, nothing I have read suggests that it is completely pants or crap. Reviews that I have read are pretty much universally positive from both critics and users alike. As I said, I can also upgrade to the Dali E12F for not so much extra so it's an option.

Having said that, I read that BK do ship subs to my country for 50 quid, and that cost is probably offset by not paying UK VAT. I also note they have a new model, the the BK P12-300SB. How does it compare in real terms to the Xls400?

I appreciate all the advice and will put the BK sub on my short list now I know they ship to me. :)
I'm also strongly considering the Dali Zensor 3 as Fronts and the Dali Zensor Pico's for rears as they are so compact and discreet and yet apparently stand up well to the Zensor 1's.
My room size and intended use is in the OP...definately not seeking room shaking and neighbour annoying bass, just tightly controlled and refined bass that will handle anything I throw at it.

In fairness, while the dali sub is by no means anything approach monster, nothing I have read suggests that it is completely pants or crap. Reviews that I have read are pretty much universally positive from both critics and users alike. As I said, I can also upgrade to the Dali E12F for not so much extra so it's an option.

Having said that, I read that BK do ship subs to my country for 50 quid, and that cost is probably offset by not paying UK VAT. I also note they have a new model, the the BK P12-300SB. How does it compare in real terms to the Xls400?

I appreciate all the advice and will put the BK sub on my short list now I know they ship to me. :)

I see the size now. 5x4m is a good size, but it;s better to get a sub more suited for the room and turn it down than get something too small and have to crank it up to the limits of it's headroom.

The Dali E12F doesn't look much better really, just a bigger driver and still a small amplifier for the price you pay. I don't trust most reviewers, especially those from commercial magazines where sponsorship and adverts can influence their reviews in the publication. User reviews can also be misleading if said user hasn't heard anything better and thinks said sub is the best thing since sliced bread.

Not being in the UK makes it more of a hassle, but £50 shipping from BK isn't bad at all. The new sub looks to be good, I've not heard it but rememebr seeing a post from Tom @ BK that it's like a cheaper version of the XLS400 with a different and cheaper driver. Either of those would be the sweet spot in their range, they'd also last should you move flat/house and won't break your back when trying to move them.

Where abouts are you located?
Pretty sure -AD- mentioned them before but I think XTZ have pretty good global coverage these days so it may also be worth finding out if they have a presence wherever you are, or if there is a reseller there. Would at least be an alternative to BK, and certainly far better than whatever you will get in a 5.1 speaker package from MA or Dali. Just as another recommendation, from what I've heard of them I do like Dali speakers though.
Having said that, I read that BK do ship subs to my country for 50 quid, and that cost is probably offset by not paying UK VAT. I also note they have a new model, the the BK P12-300SB. How does it compare in real terms to the Xls400?

I appreciate all the advice and will put the BK sub on my short list now I know they ship to me. :)

It's rated as their best sub in terms of bang for buck

I've also read people say that in a blind test most wouldn't be able to tell the difference most likely between a p12 300sb and the xxls400.

Obviously the 400 is better but by how much is anybodies guess. That is the only issue with BK they don't have showrooms they do not sell to middle men (retailers) but that is offset by the fact you then don't pay stupid prices.

Think about it BK makes sub and sells it to retailer for £400. They then have to pay for storage. Transportation. Staff's wages. Rent. Rates. Advertising, etc.

So now that sub is priced in their store @ £800.

You would be mad to buy anything other than BK brand new.
You would be mad to buy anything other than BK brand new.

I think "mad" is a bit of an overstatement, considering that if it potentially goes bust it will cost me 50 quid to send it back to them for repair... and while the chance is slim it's still a possibility.

Either way it's looking like a good option for long-term satisfaction, and I do love the fact it is British and hand-made.

I will miss the remote from my Quad L-ite sub though.
Well I really wanted something to listen to now so I just ordered the Dali Zensor 3 (Black ash colour) and a Denon AVR-X1200W, I don't see any use in the AVR-X2200W as all I have read says the power difference is in reality negligible and I won't be having it full whack. Anyway, I have my heart set on a Marantz or similar higher-end amp so will run this for a few months until I see a good deal and then sell it. I'll order the rest of the kit (center, sub and surrounds) when I get back from the UK in a few weeks. I'm confident I will like them and will report back here as soon as I get them set up.

Any suggestions on decent looking but good value stands (in black or wood) for the Dali Zensor 3's? :)
Well I really wanted something to listen to now so I just ordered the Dali Zensor 3 (Black ash colour) and a Denon AVR-X1200W, I don't see any use in the AVR-X2200W as all I have read says the power difference is in reality negligible and I won't be having it full whack. Anyway, I have my heart set on a Marantz or similar higher-end amp so will run this for a few months until I see a good deal and then sell it. I'll order the rest of the kit (center, sub and surrounds) when I get back from the UK in a few weeks. I'm confident I will like them and will report back here as soon as I get them set up.

Any suggestions on decent looking but good value stands (in black or wood) for the Dali Zensor 3's? :)

it's not just a difference in power :o

the avr-x2200w has

Pure Direct

High Grade Audio Components

HDMI to HDMI Scaling

4K Scaling / GUI Overlay

Picture Adjust / Noise Reduction

in addition to the model you bought.

what reviews are you reading? because i would only class a couple of places reviews hold any actual merit. a lot of sites out there which are popular are crap.

for instance that marques brownlee HD guy on youtube may have 50 billion subs and views. he generally speaking doesn't have a clue what he's talking about. he recommended the m50x as the best headphones you can buy ever when they are average at best.
it's not just a difference in power :o

the avr-x2200w has

Pure Direct

High Grade Audio Components

HDMI to HDMI Scaling

4K Scaling / GUI Overlay

Picture Adjust / Noise Reduction

in addition to the model you bought.

what reviews are you reading? because i would only class a couple of places reviews hold any actual merit. a lot of sites out there which are popular are crap.

for instance that marques brownlee HD guy on youtube may have 50 billion subs and views. he generally speaking doesn't have a clue what he's talking about. he recommended the m50x as the best headphones you can buy ever when they are average at best.

Threads on AVforums and AVS forums discuss it, you can find them yourself. It's a short term amp and I'm not going to spend double on something for a small jump up in discernible quality that I will replace within a year when I release the funds for something that will significantly better both of them.
i imagine it will sound fine just pushing fronts.

when you add more speakers will be the real test. the more strain it's put under is when quality tends to fade.

my amp is also temporary until it starts to show it's age. then i'll get another second hand bargain.
There is nothing to suggest the denon 1200 can't push a 5.1 set at the volumes I will be listening at, nothing at all. However I'll let you know in a few days when the rest of my stuff arrives (barring sub) then maybe we can lay that particular horse to rest.

I've had the Dalis set up since Friday evening and even before the run in they sound very nice paired with the receiver, the overall tone is slightly warm and the bass is impressively deep yet subtle, I watched a couple of movies and certainly felt it and it was never intrusive. It's also a pleasant surprise how well they perform at lower volumes, dialogue was clear and overall very neighbour friendly if need be. My movie soundtrack music was also impressive and very clear yet rich sounding which is great for orchestral pieces.

Considering the Denon is a budget AVR I am very satisfied thus far and have had zero trouble getting it set up.
Bk subs are phenomenal for the money, absolutely love my xxls-400-df.

Good to hear. Can it also be subtle and non-overpowering while still giving a good effect in movies and music? I like my bass reasonably delicate. :)
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