Getting Into A Relashionship?!

no, i'm not joking. i'd text a friend or something but i'd rather 'see' the person i'm going sleep with that night.

your post sounds contradictory to me but i may be reading it wrong.

I thought you were implying that a person not texting often shows their lack of interest, which isn't true. Some people, like me, just don't like texting.

Oh you ... :p
I thought you were implying that a person not texting often shows their lack of interest, which isn't true. Some people, like me, just don't like texting.

Oh you ... :p

i was implying both those points. if the person cares enough they would reply regardless as it's common courtesy whether you like it or not. but at same time i wouldn't be in a text relationship anyway. i'd rather see them.
Thanks so far guys! That's the thing though, im absolutely crazy about her and hate it when i go a day without hearing from her! I start to feel really down, but i guess i just gotta get used to it :)

'Hope for the best, expect the worst'

Best advice i've been given lately. Don't get too caught up on her too quickly, occupy yourself with other things or you'll fall very hard when if it doesn't work out. Always expect to be knocked back, if you think they wont, chances are they will. Taste my bitterness in regards to women!
i was implying both those points. if the person cares enough they would reply regardless as it's common courtesy whether you like it or not. but at same time i wouldn't be in a text relationship anyway. i'd rather see them.

I agree. Phoning is so much easier than replying too ;)
I agree. Phoning is so much easier than replying too ;)

One reason a lot of ppl txt is because they are a lot more anxious about making a call, though I guess this applies more to a girl you just met. If your new to it all, nothing wrong with this so long as you understand its a process.

But don't automatically assume that calling straight away is ALWAYS better than texting. Texting requires a very low investment on the girl's part so can be of great benefit in some situations. Whereas calling can often be akin to going all in the the first hand. There is no right or wrong here, both texting and calling are valid ways of communicating.
But don't automatically assume that calling straight away is ALWAYS better than texting. Texting requires a very low investment on the girl's part so can be of great benefit in some situations. Whereas calling can often be akin to going all in the the first hand. There is no right or wrong here, both texting and calling are valid ways of communicating.

Of course. It's never black and white :)
Hmm.. Sunday afternoon, bored, hungover, time for a random "relashionship" thread :D

First of all i know some of you guys are gonna take the mickey bliss, but i don't care :p

Im 21 and the longest relashionship i have been in before was 6 months, but that was pretty much just sex and not much else! Im now on the verge of getting into my first "proper" relashionship so obviously im pretty new to a lot of things! Been hooking up with this girl for a few months now txting etc and we had our first full on official date on Friday which went great! We some times phone, but our main form of communication is txts... still.. urghh!! We used to constantly send txts all day, but now they seem to have dried up to 1-5 a day?! Some times i'll txt her and i wont hear back from her for 2 days :confused: Does every one get past the "txt stage" or is she just being an ignorant bitch?

Thanks :D
Sounds like she got bored... You should have initiated the "phone stage" as you may put it :p
It's been a few MONTHS and you only just went out on a date recently? Sorry to say, but you've missed the window of opportunity for a relationship... welcome to the friend zone.

Haha i hope not! We have hooked up a few times, but kinda put friday as the first real steps if you like! She's still as keen as ever when we meet up to pounce on me so i think that's a bit more than friendship ;)

Edit: And it's only taken so long because she only split up with her ex last year so wasn't ready to start dating again.
'Hope for the best, expect the worst'

Best advice i've been given lately. Don't get too caught up on her too quickly, occupy yourself with other things or you'll fall very hard when if it doesn't work out. Always expect to be knocked back, if you think they wont, chances are they will. Taste my bitterness in regards to women!

Even if its a no-brainer, people still make mistakes, like staying in a relationship thats going no where. Or almost getting into one that would have been very disfunctional. Anyway I won't steal your thread! best of luck to you.
Sometimes texting is cheaper, lay off the guy. I for one hate talking to people on the phone so text if I can.

As for the texting thing: odd thing is I've spent time texting one girl a lot as you're probably doing and it didn't work out. Another, well I wasn't interested and consequently must've appeared to have been playing 'cold'. She loved it. Odd creatures.

Anyway before I get into a long-winded post about this: don't read too much into texts or the time it takes for a reply; there are too many variables involved. Also, women -- like it or not -- love to play games (the chase) so don't be in a hurry to reply to her all the time. Just chill out or you'll get your heart broken and turn into a miserable sod like half of us on here.
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Edit: And it's only taken so long because she only split up with her ex last year so wasn't ready to start dating again.

That holding statement is the biggest lie ever. Women will happily move on to the next in 5 mins if its the right bloke. Women = fickle, or how else would affairs start so readily. As for your situation you have either a) blown it following the date and she doesnt see you as the right person to be in a serious relationship with
or, b) she wants you to call her to have real chats. My money is on a) as she could easily text to say stop texting and call me.
Thanks so far guys! That's the thing though, im absolutely crazy about her and hate it when i go a day without hearing from her! I start to feel really down, but i guess i just gotta get used to it :)

My first GF was like that, all my friends were, everyone seems to be for the most part that I've witnessed in their first relationship, except me because I've watch it happen and almosrt puked all over myself.

It's so cliche and you need to understand and get over the "honeymoon" period of, "oooooh everything is new and fun and omg omg text text text talk talk talk type type type" because keeping that up forever is not possible, you get tired and need to slow things down and act normal like you always have before her.

It's always like that. It's even a sign of desperation.

Just take it slow, don't acted stalkerish and send millions of text when she's not and see how it goes.

I mean I can't spend that amount of inordinant time talking with anyone.
When it get's to incessant talking to fill silences, that gets on my nerves.
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