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Getting my GPU fans under control

24 Oct 2012
My Gigabyte 2070 super spins up it's fans to max speed whilst gaming and sits there until I shut my PC off. It's loud as hell and irritating as hell.

I've cleaned the GPU extensively, and the temps sit around 40-50deg, yet the fans sit there screaming like they're trying to cool the sun.

Any ideas? I'll see if there are any driver updates this afternoon but hoping I might get some other ideas in here.

Cheers :)
40 to 50 degrees is really cool for an air cooled card. I'd just use msi afterburner to create a custom fan curve to make the noise tolerable.

Thermal limits for those cards is around 89 degrees, I'd probably try to keep it under 80 degrees , 60 to 70 degrees under load would be fine.
40 to 50 degrees is really cool for an air cooled card. I'd just use msi afterburner to create a custom fan curve to make the noise tolerable.

Thermal limits for those cards is around 89 degrees, I'd probably try to keep it under 80 degrees , 60 to 70 degrees under load would be fine.

Cheers. Afterburner seems to have absolutely no effect on the control of the fans, they sit there at whatever speed they're running regardless of what I do. I'm currently reinstalling the drivers to see if that helps.
Might be stupid, but I recently put a brand new 4080 super in my PC. Turned it on, couldn't hear the fans at all.

Start a game up, within about 10 seconds it's on full blast and sounds like a jet. Thought maybe it's just how cards are now, but I could hear it over my headset with music/the game on and I was pretty ****** off!

Turns out, it was because I had a cable touching the fan very slightly, so it wasn't spinning at it's full speed, the sensors recognised this and put it into thermal protect mode.

Maybe worth a look to see if something similar is happening.
I would install HWINFO64 and check the GPU hotspot temperature. I had an issue with a 3090 where the GPU temps where normal but the hotspot temperature was over 100 degrees causing the fans to ramp up.
Sounds like it's either in full pelt mode due to a different/hidden temperature reading, or the fan sensor/control has failed so they are running at max.
So this is after a fairly typical session of gaming. I've been fiddling and tinkering with all manner of stuff and it's behaving itself now, I'm just waiting for it to catch fire or brick itself or something. Cheers for all the help folks!

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Ok this is seriously doing my head in now. This morning the fans ramped up again, so I rebooted the PC. As soon as Windows fires up, back on to full speed. Tried changing the fan speed in Afterburner, completely unresponsive. Temps are low, load is low, yet these fans are going nuts.

Current status, I don't think Afterburner's fan speeds are displaying correctly:


And according to HWInfo, the fans are also at 25%:


I've confirmed it's not the CPU fan that's making the noise, and I've also confirmed that all three fans on the GPU are running.

I'm going to give DDU a go, uninstall everything, including Afterburner, and see what happens, but if anyone's got any suggestions, I'm all ears.

Are you actually setting an override fan curve on afterburner? Go into the settings and check. That slider is not the setting you’re after.

You want to be tweaking it here:

Also, although I doubt this is the problem, do double check that you’re not closing MSI afterburner - it should be showing in the system tray.
Are you actually setting an override fan curve on afterburner? Go into the settings and check. That slider is not the setting you’re after.

Cheers. No, I had a little play with that and it made no difference at all. I've just deleted the Geforce drivers using Windows' own uninstaller and the fans ramped down immediately, so it seems to be a driver issue. I rebooted and it's running fine again, I'll give it a few hours and see if it behaves itself.

Thanks for the response :)
If I wasn't saving for a house I'd throw this PC off a cliff and buy a new one.

I did a complete, clean install using DDU. The fans were ramped up when I began the process, the second I uninstalled the drivers, the fans ramped down. Installed fresh drivers, behaved itself for a few days, and last night it started again. Turned the PC off last night, so it was absolutely 100% cold when I fired it up this morning, fans straight up to max, where it's sat now.

I'm gonna do the DDU thing again now as I need to do some work but I really need to find a permanent solution. Maybe I need a new GPU.
It's because it's not correctly reporting/reading the fan rpm. It's reading as 0 so whacking it up to max and hoping for the best.

Check the cable
It's because it's not correctly reporting/reading the fan rpm. It's reading as 0 so whacking it up to max and hoping for the best.

Check the cable

This does seem to be the case. I'll pull it apart and have a look.

That said, surely I should be able to control the fans manually? They don't respond to Afterburner at all.
Run DDU, reboot PC. Before installing drivers, speeds are showing fine:


Reinstall drivers, speeds still showing fine:


So it's something else. Will have a proper fiddle later, see if I can find any loose cables.
This does seem to be the case. I'll pull it apart and have a look.

That said, surely I should be able to control the fans manually? They don't respond to Afterburner at all.
It's the behaviour programmed in, if they can't detect a fan, it try to run it maximum. Afterburner doesn't override this behaviour because it can't detect the fan speed either.

It can obviously be something else, I just feel like the cable might be dodgy, could be the sensor too, causing it to fail randomly.
The driver *shouldn't* have a problem itself, that said it's expect it to maybe stop reading, but then get a new reading on a reboot rather than a reinstall. So who knows. Something is glitchy within this pipeline though.
Got home, fired up PC, max fan. Ran DDU, fans ramped down. Rebooted PC, fans still behaving. Installed drivers from Nvidia site, fans ramp up again. Shut PC down, remove GPU, give it a good clean, reseat any cables, reboot PC. Fans ramp up again. Boot up Afterburner, try changing fanspeeds, no response. Run HWinfo, fans showing at 0%.

Fire up hardware manager, roll back GPU drivers on Windows using this guide, fans ramp down again. Can see limited info in HWinfo, but fans are now at 20%.

It's behaving itself atm, will see if it lasts. If not, it's going in the bin / on MM for a song and i'm replacing it, I've had enough of this bloody faff.

Massive thanks to all for helping, particularly @Ch3m1c4L, it's very much appreciated!
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