Ghost of Tsushima - July 17th

I think it's probably going to be a 7.5/8 out of 10 game. Beautiful presentation and decent gameplay within a fairly standard open world formula. I'm probably going to get it as long as they haven't screwed something up. Reviews drop in 30 mins for those that care.

So looks like I was right based on the reviews trickling in. Enough for me to jump in.

Generally like ACG and Skillup reviews and both really like it.

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Im out of the loop, how long have PS4 games been £50? arrgh wait for sale.

Usual price unless you find a pre-order/voucher offer on a deal site. Don't worry probably £60+ next gen.

Got my copy for £45 including delivery from Curry's. Hammer it for a week or so and get £40 cash back from CEX/FB marketplace.
So is this worth buying. Loved TLOU2. don't usually buy 2 IPs in 4 weeks at full price haha

Entirely dependent on whether you like this kind of game, plenty of vids on youtube and a couple of reviewers (Skillup and ACG) that I generally agree with posted above to form a view. Game doesn't release until Friday so none of us will be able to play until then.
I'll likely give it a crack, you know what you're going to get in terms of a samurai Assassin's Creed but after TLOU2 I'm pretty happy with some fairly brainless gaming.
I'll likely give it a crack, you know what you're going to get in terms of a samurai Assassin's Creed but after TLOU2 I'm pretty happy with some fairly brainless gaming.

Heard people talking about chilling out riding your horse about in the gorgeous countryside as a kind of sanitizer for Tlou 2.
Tempted to get this...looks fantastic

Finger is precariously hovering over the pre-order button...

but after TLOU2 I'm pretty happy with some fairly brainless gaming.

Haha yeah I know what you mean!
Heard people talking about chilling out riding your horse about in the gorgeous countryside as a kind of sanitizer for Tlou 2.

Sounds spot on to me, TLOU2 was worth the journey but it was an unrelentingly (perhaps unnecessarily at times) bleak one. I might grab Paper Mario too for something totally different :D
I was considering this however quite a few reviewers talking about repetitiveness and dull side quests. Think I'll pass.
Usual price unless you find a pre-order/voucher offer on a deal site. Don't worry probably £60+ next gen.

Got my copy for £45 including delivery from Curry's. Hammer it for a week or so and get £40 cash back from CEX/FB marketplace.
I got mine ordered from Currys as well i sell my games at CEX as well once i have completed them i used to rent games from blockbuster so selling it once you have completed it and getting most of your money is like renting a game for a week or two.
Have to say I'm not a fan of the world design. None of it looks natural, the vegetation in particular and the way it's placed is all wrong.
After playing TLoU2 all vegetation looks secondary.

Not too sure about this one. Looks like a 7/10 game and that's OK but it's not essential and I've got enough to play right now. Will wait for sale/second hand.
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