I am the CriminalPuppet
Edit:I have 2 more if anyone needs one
Would love a key if you have one spare please.
I am the CriminalPuppet
Edit:I have 2 more if anyone needs one
sentI applied for this beta ages ago but obviously didn't get in.
Would really appreciate a key if anyone has one to spare, thanks.
My uplay id is: JimJoeRooney28
Would love a key if you have one spare please.
Whats your uplay id dude?
Would love one please jmc777 uplay name. Thank you.
I will take one if you still have one mate. Sargatanas2511 is my uplay name.
Would love one please jmc777 uplay name. Thank you.
Good to know that a £600 GPU and an i7 can run it. Thank god we all have the latest hardware aye.
you read my mind...good to know £1k of hardware can get you ok performance, and that's just the CPU and GPU lmao. In fairness he was kinda alluding to the fact his hardware bloody should do also.
I am the CriminalPuppet
Edit:I have 2 more if anyone needs one
gimme ya uplay name and ill add ya
I've spent some more time playing it and really like it now, it's a definite buy for me but not at launch and not until they optimise it.