**Ghost Recon Wildlands** Official thread

So after about 5 hours of play, I'm quite enjoying it i just wish the beta had a bit more content, but i've finished all the missions on Veteran and Elite difficulty so it's time for Ghost difficulty now.

I think the game has a couple of issues when playing in Co-Op like the fact that if you want to pick up Ammo when in a 4 player party you all can't just grab it at the ammo box at once.

You have to queue up one by one and sometimes it can be a little difficult if they are changing the loadout at the ammo box.

Also some side missions were going out of the actual play zone for us in the beta area so it would tell us to turn back so we'd have to create a new session.

Nothing major so i hope they can get fixed before the release but i think i'll be preordering the game as it seems to be my cup of tea.

On another note playing at ultra at my single 980ti at 3440x1440 and 4k is a little taxing, Not sure if i need to mess with the settings but to get 60+ fps at 3440x1440 i have to drop to medium.

Hoping it's just beta optimisation but if not then this will be the first game to actually give me problems running at ultra.
This runs terribly for me, even when my fps is decent it still feels juddery. I must say there is something quite satisfying about the impact sound of the bullets though.
Have all the people that are still saying it runs terrible read the post on the previous page about turning off v-sync and limiting to 60fps? Runs flawlessly but with a lot of screen tearing.
Tried turning vsync off and it helped but performance is still abysmal, also worth running it in borderless mode as that sorts the screen tearing out since the game is using windows vsync with triple buffering.

I think it is safe to say that the game is terribly optimised or there is a serious bug breaking something... No game should run like ARK.

Makes me wonder what on earth have they been doing in those 4 years as the gameplay isn't exactly ground breaking, it is just an amped up version of far cry.

Good to know that a £600 GPU and an i7 can run it. Thank god we all have the latest hardware aye.


you read my mind...good to know £1k of hardware can get you ok performance, and that's just the CPU and GPU lmao. In fairness he was kinda alluding to the fact his hardware bloody should do also.


They must have special 1080s etc. too considering people who have the same setup (and some with TXP + x99 etc.) are still saying that their performance is **** and have to drop to low/medium to be able to hold a constant 60 FPS :p

Yup that sure is "good/fine" performance right there :o :D
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I've spent some more time playing it and really like it now, it's a definite buy for me but not at launch and not until they optimise it.

What changed your mind? Playing co-op/solo? Finding better performance/settings? Played more missions? Unlocked more gear?
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