**Ghost Recon Wildlands** Official thread

I am loving it!!

Game runs okay for me with the settings I have setup, looks great <even w/downgrade>, I like the play style, the look and feel. The gunbench and customisation are very cool.

The UI needs some tweeks, I'd prefer as minimal UI as possible, toggle walk would be a nice feature, no chance could my fully equipped solider run for 2.4km up and down mountains in the middle of Bolivia, so I like to walk off the main track, helps with the immersion for me, the way The Division implemented it really immersed me in the city.

It needs some performance optimisation but as it's a beta I'll let that go for now. Enjoying the open world very much.

Not going to get too fanboy/hype train yet but I can see me buying this week 1 and putting some real time into it. I was walking down a mountain earlier and got some real Lone Survivor type feels, even though it's not the same country or even settings haha

Okay slightly hyped. Sorry not sorry, kthnxbi
Official benchmarks:


Likewise Josh, not quite as hyped as you though :p but there is definitely a good game underneath if/once they fix the performance and bugs, I can see myself getting it. Just very wary if they will improve it much given that the game is due in a month or so and they have already been working on it for 4 years...

I'll be on later if you're about.
Yeah I'll be on about 6ish for some co-op bud, want to try and mess around SP for a bit this afternoon.

I'm trying very hard not to look at Gold Edition prices atm haha
I know, I'll wait until release but I'm very very tempted to get this week 1 - might get it on Steam just incase it's a pony release.

I'll play later and see if it's just the initial hype or if I'm still loving it. Spent 2h just walking down mountains not shot anything yet, not one bullet fired.
Is there any way to get a beta key now or are they like gold dust?

Also, whats the score with Ghost Recon:Sniper 3 - is this a related game?
I realy like it, using a gampad for driving is a big improvement over k/m and switch seamlessly back to k/m for combat, turn up mouse sensitivty, turn of v-sync and lock to 60fps and runs not to bad with g-sync and a 1070.

Def needs more optimisations and seems to have the same issue with multi cores as the divison as when i set the exe to 3 core its a lot better, but i am getting random freezes.

As for the gameplay i like it a lot
I quite like it as well, looks good and plays ok for now. Just a little worried if it'll get boring, it's a nice big map thats for sure but I get the feeling the section of the beta will just be repeated over and over in different areas of the map.
whats this like on pc? i got the beta last night fir xbox one and played and recorded some this morning, its very divison and gta 5 like especially when driving offroad which isnt a bad thing, certainly different from the other recons and was enjoying it, will play some more of it later.

after this weekend of the beta and RB6S free weekend on xb1, im going to sell my console, so depending what graphics card i buy i might get this game for pc as it looks promising as a whole.

i think those that are moaning about performance(read the last couple pages) you should try it on console to get more of a feel of the game as it is likely a port for pc users, so like every other game it will need improvements, but bare in mind betas expected to have errors(none so far on xbox). certainly a game for me as i like the divison and gta based games.
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I quite like it as well, looks good and plays ok for now. Just a little worried if it'll get boring, it's a nice big map thats for sure but I get the feeling the section of the beta will just be repeated over and over in different areas of the map.

Kinda of agree, my hype has calmed down now.

Hopefully the other 27 odd areas aren't all the same. Flying controls are a bit naff at the moment.

Still getting to grips with the other 3 idiots on my side, they do some pretty retarded stuff, I usually tell them to hold as far away as possible and clear it myself. Shame you can't control each of the independently but I'm sure I'll fine a use for them soon.
its very divison

I'm confused as to why people are desperate to compare the two. Care to divulge exactly how they're similar? Apart from being Ubisoft-published, 4 player co-op, and feature shooting people in the face, they're two very different games.
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