**Ghost Recon Wildlands** Official thread

Well it definitely runs better now, Very High preset at 3440x1440p and it looks good with a reasonable frame rate.

Vehicle physics still feel terrible to me (T-Boned another car and nearly out it into orbit too!) Movement feels janky, and it's still far too easy. There is still lots of potential for the game but it's very much rinse and repeat.
Well it definitely runs better now, Very High preset at 3440x1440p and it looks good with a reasonable frame rate.

Vehicle physics still feel terrible to me (T-Boned another car and nearly out it into orbit too!) Movement feels janky, and it's still far too easy. There is still lots of potential for the game but it's very much rinse and repeat.

What FPS you getting?
Quite enjoying this, looks good, runs good for me, and I need something to get my teeth in, nothing else to play atm and this might pass some time, think I might buy it not noticed many bugs at all either.
It runs fine for me also, I love huge open worlds to explore such as the recent Farcry games but compared to those I'm finding the landscape in this game rather lacking, if you go off road there are no animals or anything just barren fields & rocks,
I'm playing with bots but I see there is no option to direct each one independently as was possible on previous Ghost games so your directions will send all 3 off to the same place ( unless I've missed something?)
Its Ok, I have friends who are buying it on Xbox so I may get it on Xbox first and on PC when its cheap on a sale if i enjoy playing through.
The vehicle controls are screwed on PC, totally borked, the cars are just weird and the planes and choppers are terrible, with a pad its not half as bad but with M&K its stupid.
Performance wise its ok im running a 1080 and i can get playable frames at 4k with AA off and most other stuff cranked up, its not super smooth but its perfectly playable and looks great.
I'm running on ultra with a rx480, damn it's nice having no draw distance limits :p

The game itself I'll give it another play but I think it could get boring fast as there's no real objective

Never going to be very engaging playing vs CPU but I guess that's the point of ghost recon
i like this game it has a lot of potential and looks great

currently does seem abit hollow but i can see them improving that via expansions and patches just like The Division

need to sort the driving out though doesn't seem right at all

feels like you are driving online with a really high ping and PL just like in the 56k days
The driving varies a lot, some vehicles drive terrible with slow steering so you lose it on every sharp bend, others drive really well and stick to the road.
Fiddling with the car acceleration settings etc. in the menu seem to make no difference.
I'm running on ultra with a rx480, damn it's nice having no draw distance limits :p

The game itself I'll give it another play but I think it could get boring fast as there's no real objective

Never going to be very engaging playing vs CPU but I guess that's the point of ghost recon

What FPS you getting? My younger brother has it on very high on his rx480 and regardless of the options, he can't ever get the FPS above 40. I will say that the GPU usage seems to be bugged and apparently ranges from 20% to 60%. We've tried the suggestions of fps limit to 60, borderless mode (no V-sync obviously)) and such, but never get the GPU usage fixed.

Meanwhile I can't hold 60 (usually around 50s) at a mix of Ultra and very high on my 970. I'm not sure whether it's supposed to be like that or if the game is coded badly since playing Far Cry 4 on Ultra has me 70+ FPS. I am using controller though, since I can play from the bed instead of having to sit on the floor (don't have a proper PC desk).

The actual game itself is fun. Stealth is my kind of jam and even getting noticed and having to whip out the loud guns is exciting too. There was a cool mission where we assaulted a communications satellite high up and had to run up and hack the terminal in time, whilst going through the rooms and taking out the enemies as fast as possible. Missions like that will do this game good if there's more like it.

My only issue is the progression feels a tad lackluster. Tackling enemy camps seems pointless since the enemies respawn later. Unlike games like Far Cry 3/4 and Metal Gear, you don't seem to be able to 'clear' enemy outposts. And getting points to level up is only limited to a handful of missions or finding measly amounts of supplies around the place. A lot of big areas don't even have many supplies.

Oh and picking up weapons is also punished. If you quit the game or waypoint (or die), your weapons will revert to whatever you have on your loadout. So you can't keep cool stuff like sniper rifles you pick off bad guys. I understand not being able to customise picked up weapons, mod them or equip them in loadouts, obviously that what's reserved for weapons you unlock, but losing stuff you picked up just rubs me the wrong way.

Game is nice though. I can see myself eventually buying it, maybe when it gets cheaper and includes all additional content (like Gold Edition). I waiting a couple of years before buying Far Cry 4 complete version, so I may do the same here.
Loving this so far, only had a run around in the SP campaign, not tried online yet. Plays well, nice visuals, I think I need to drop the eye candy down a wee bit though as my GTX760 is struggling a wee bit at high detail level at 1920x1080. Seeing 30fps'ish which isn't great although it is playable. I think I may well buy this, its right up my street and seems fairly well polished so far.

Doesn't feel like a Ghost Recon game of old though. But you can certainly tell Ubi have had a hand in it.
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