**Ghost Recon Wildlands** Official thread

Anyone any idea if "the dangerous road in the world" (Yungus Road) which is in Bolivia is modelled in Ghost recon Wildlands? If so where is it?

You mean the cliff road that was on a Top Gear special? .If it's that road it's right at the top of the map, we found it by mistake flying over it.

Was watching some benchmarks of the MSI Gaming X 1080ti by JayzTwoCents this morning and they benched this game with it. I know it's just one benchmark, but we've gotten plenty before with similar results and this is a new GPU. The benchmark is done with effects turned off.
The moment this game turns up in the benchmarks.

Reminds me of how poorly optimised this game is on PC, as it requires an aftermarket GTX 1080 to maintain 60fps. At least a 1080ti does well running this game at 1440p. Though looking at how the other games do (100+ FPS at 1080p with a 1080ti), it makes me wish they'd patch the game to improve performance. It looks good, but it's enough to the point where the performance demand makes sense.

You mean the cliff road that was on a Top Gear special? .If it's that road it's right at the top of the map, we found it by mistake flying over it.

The good old days of Top Gear. Relive it by seeing what's the fastest time you get trying to cover that stretch of road without falling off. Sports cars only.
It looks good and runs well but pretty boring overall. Played 13 hours SP and was very repetitive with no story or characters. Think its one to play with friends and i have none.
@BriT, I disagree. It was brilliant, so many different things to do and so many different ways to do them. It is no more repetitive than almost any other game.
I finished it today. Actually got an ending yesterday but after the cut sequence I was told I need to do some more missions.
Graphics are brilliant, a few stutters still and flashes when underground but generally great. Flying controls are a bit naff but sniper kills are so satisfying.
Well worth anyone's money.
It looks good and runs well but pretty boring overall. Played 13 hours SP and was very repetitive with no story or characters. Think its one to play with friends and i have none.

It reminds me a lot of Mercenaries on PS2, which was a brilliant game for its time. The problem being that time was something like 12 years ago, and other open world games have moved on a lot since then.
This game has been one of the most enjoyable gaming experiences in years - me and a mate have put in 60 hours since release - whack the difficulty up, turn off some hud options and you can get yourself quite a solid tactical game.

Sure it's not perfect (voice repetition, not being able to launch the drone bug, pistol shots from certain angles missing for no reason) but this has just been an absolute blast. If you spend some time tweaking with the settings, it can look absolutely amazing aswell and run well
Played the beta with a couple friends - was fun to mess about in the open world in. Ragequit though when one of our teammates shot the hostage and we had to restart from miles back.

Will probably get later when it is on sale and when bugs etc ironed out.
quick question about the game. is it squad/team based or can you just jump in on your own???

i played the beta and was impressed but i also remember the division
Verified files? Mine is playing with no issues apart from a slight pause now and again.

Regarding the challenges this week, the helicopters that need destroying must be the white Santa Blanca ones, NOT the black unidad ones. Or it won't count. Can be on ground too which makes it easy.
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