**Ghost Recon Wildlands** Official thread

I'm absolutely loving it. Turn off the HUD completely, raise the difficulty etc and use the roads to navigate over a marker. I'm on Tier 47 now.
Put this back on last night and had a quick blast of pvp for the first time, it's different to other games that's for sure, the pvp seems more aimed at comms and there was 0 of that in the game I played.
Ran a 3 man squad on PVP last night and I was surprised by how well it works, few maps I'm not a fan of already (the swamp one in dusk) seems everyone sticks to the edge of the border on that.
What's the difference between year 2 pass and season pass.

There have been a big bunch of reductions.
What's the difference between year 2 pass and season pass.

There have been a big bunch of reductions.

The year 2 pass is basically another season pass. With Ubisoft one season pass is no longer enough, they release a new one each year. And if you want any content from that year you need the relevant pass.

It’s basically another horrible way for them to make money.
Hi just wandering if anyone could give me a hand with some of the graphics settings, Ive been playing it as it was from when I first opened it as in I haven’t changed anything. Most things on very high and some on ultra.
I’m using around about 4.3gb of my VRAM
On my 1070.
But I am getting some stuttering during playing, mostly while driving it’ll stutter for a few seconds then try speed up then the game goes fast to catch up this has been happening a few times now.
With vsync off it doesn’t happen as much but I though v sync was meant to sync each frame making gaming better? There are a lot of the settings turned on in the graphics settings all the HBOA+ etc.
Is there an optimum setting I should maybe try or things to put off or on to maximise my gaming as I think my laptop should be capable.

Msi ge72mvr -064uk
i7 7700HQ
Full HD 120Hz screen
16gb DDR4 ram
1070 8gb GPU
If you're having stuttering mainly whilst driving it could be a streaming issue. Is the game installed on an SSD? If your laptop doesn't have an SSD maybe take a look at the draw distance and object detail. I can't recall the exact names as I now longer have the game installed.
I have upgraded my HD to a firecudda so it’s a SSHD hybrid drive. Ok I’ll have a look at them settings. Maybe ultra is maybe even to much for my card but just what nvidia experiance has set the game up like
I'm thinking about picking this up, is it any good? Seems to be a cross between The Division and MGS V. Got about 2/3 of the way through the SP of both of those before getting bored, which is good going for me. I'd consider 2/3 complete to be money well spent. You reckon it's worth sinking about 20hrs into?
If you're having stuttering mainly whilst driving it could be a streaming issue. Is the game installed on an SSD? If your laptop doesn't have an SSD maybe take a look at the draw distance and object detail. I can't recall the exact names as I now longer have the game installed.
Looking good now lowered the setting a bit but still on high and looking good, even a 1070 struggles with everything up and ultra!
I'm thinking about picking this up, is it any good? Seems to be a cross between The Division and MGS V. Got about 2/3 of the way through the SP of both of those before getting bored, which is good going for me. I'd consider 2/3 complete to be money well spent. You reckon it's worth sinking about 20hrs into?

I would recommend it, pretty much the only game I play nowadays I’m on it about 2-3 hours a night when I’m away
So I bought it, Gold version.

69GB?! This will take some time on my 5MB ADSL connection.... current DL speed is 480kB/s
So I bought it, Gold version.

69GB?! This will take some time on my 5MB ADSL connection.... current DL speed is 480kB/s
This game gets lots of patches and they all seem to be ~17GB each. It's a good game though, thinking about getting the year two pass but hard to find out whats in it. I don't play ghost wars so if its for that I don't need it.
It’ll be worth the wait, my one is up to about 110gb with year one and 2 DLC. I’m as bad with my DL speeds I reach the whopping 1.2mb/s and that’s it
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