**Ghost Recon Wildlands** Official thread

I still can't defeat the predator mission. I get so far and die. Frustrating.

Hope the new one coming is as good as this. Taking out a whole Unidad compound alone on difficult to the max was ao muxh fun.
I still can't defeat the predator mission. I get so far and die. Frustrating.

Hope the new one coming is as good as this. Taking out a whole Unidad compound alone on difficult to the max was ao muxh fun.

I think I came close, but it is next to impossible without a team of real people. The AI isn’t good enough.

Agreed about the Unidad compounds. Some of them are huge and fantastic fun.
I picked this up to play with a mate. How will 2 player coop work with this? Will we each get an AI to boss about? Taaa

I got the gold edition, I hear there is a lot of content in the game but know little about it
I still can't defeat the predator mission. I get so far and die. Frustrating.
Same here close to throwing my remote :mad: I get to the bit where he starts appearing a lot faster that’s meant to be just before he dies but he always appears behind me and then I’m dead
hnmnn installed it but the dlc is locked and it takes me to the store page to sell me the season pass. seems i have not got the gold edition but that is what my email recipt says :/
^ My wife and I played the full game as 2 players with no issue, and we enjoyed every minute of it. There are varying difficulty levels that you can even change mid game if required.
2 player co-op is so funny sometimes

I was an ace helicopter pilot but my playing buddy had a habit of leaping out if things looked bad

funniest thing we saw was me smashing into a cliff face as he bailed...then the burning helicopter rolling down the hill and crushing him where he landed
I have some followup on a question i asked above...... So I thought i was missing some content in my gold edition of Wildlands, however on another forum i was told that this is normal and that the season 2 gold edition of wildlands does not contain the season 1 content. Can anyone confirm if this is the case? I must admit i would likely not have bought it had i of known, i thought the gold editions were ubisofts versions of complete editions :(

eidt so it is true, the "new" gold edition does not have the PvE content which was in the "old" gold edition.

considering i do not give 2 squits about PvP it seems i bodged that, and worse still i encouraged a bunch of mates to get it as well so we can co-op together.
I think ubisoft pulled a fast one there..... calling them both gold editions is super confusing and there is no content in the year 2 expansion that i am interested in.

Guess i will read into purchases more next time fool me once and all that :(
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I have some followup on a question i asked above...... So I thought i was missing some content in my gold edition of Wildlands, however on another forum i was told that this is normal and that the season 2 gold edition of wildlands does not contain the season 1 content. Can anyone confirm if this is the case? I must admit i would likely not have bought it had i of known, i thought the gold editions were ubisofts versions of complete editions :(

It's true - I made the same mistake as you. Assumed the gold edition would have the DLC from year 1 but no, just year 2, which is mostly junk.
Made the £10 for the gold edition not so much of a bargain, it's basically just the base game.. Well played Ubi, you suckered me. In there defense it is clearly worded as such, I just got blinded by "gold edition" and "season pass"
It's true - I made the same mistake as you. Assumed the gold edition would have the DLC from year 1 but no, just year 2, which is mostly junk.
Made the £10 for the gold edition not so much of a bargain, it's basically just the base game.. Well played Ubi, you suckered me. In there defense it is clearly worded as such, I just got blinded by "gold edition" and "season pass"

yeah it was in the small print but i still think it was a slimy move and as such i aint given them a pass on that. the fact they stuck with the name "gold edition" when there are clearly a whole dictionary of words they could have used, and even multiple other metal choices other than gold they could have gone with, I am convinced "gold edition" was used very deliberately to then try to force people to double dip and have to buy the season pass.

they can stick their "PvP content" as far as i am concerned. Epic are getting a lot of slack from their practices but imo pulling 1 named product from sale and replacing with another really similarly named product but with less content is far more sinister (for the user) than anything epic has done imo.

I do believe in doing your homework before a purchase, which for me, i do not think was unreasonable to google Wildlands gold edition season pass and see what you got. I dont think it is on me to know there is more than 1 gold edition esp as all the hits i got were specifically for the year 1 gold edition bu.... this has to be a deliberate ploy.
I'm having a weird random drop to desktop experience with GR:W - to be clear, it's not a crash, all I need to do is click on the game on the taskbar but obviously this is seriously interrupting my gameplay - anyone got any ideas?

There isn't anything running in the background and no notifications etc that are pending - just every now and again, desktop here we come!?!?!
I played the trial quite a while back and stopped for some reason. It was on sale for £12 so I thought I would give it ago again. Now I remember why I gave up playing. Get in car drive to mission location, tell everyone to shoot, drive around for a bit, collect mission goal. Rinse/repeat for every mission. I have cleared the first area, is the rest of the game like this?
I played the trial quite a while back and stopped for some reason. It was on sale for £12 so I thought I would give it ago again. Now I remember why I gave up playing. Get in car drive to mission location, tell everyone to shoot, drive around for a bit, collect mission goal. Rinse/repeat for every mission. I have cleared the first area, is the rest of the game like this?
Pretty much, theres escort such and such to here missions but that's about your lot. It's much more amusing with a buddy, especially when you frequently accidently cause their death.
Been trying to get into this solo, but it feels VERY repetitive. Do any of the missions deviate away from 'go to base, wipe out base, extract/interrogate said dude, escape'?

The world is gorgeous, but it just feels empty.
Been trying to get into this solo, but it feels VERY repetitive. Do any of the missions deviate away from 'go to base, wipe out base, extract/interrogate said dude, escape'?

The world is gorgeous, but it just feels empty.

Also going on what davida76 said, i'd say not much. I think this game is very much 'what you make it'. So using drones and using tactics to try to not get detected are where the fun is but not necessary. I think I'll ramp up the difficulty and see if that helps.
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