Ghostbusters: Afterlife

Saw it tonight, pure nostalgia and brilliantly done.

This is how to deliver on one of the 80s era movie series properly.

By far the best of all the 80s/90s sequel movies to date.

It was also a very warming tribute to Harold Ramis at the end.
Saw it tonight, pure nostalgia and brilliantly done.

This is how to deliver on one of the 80s era movie series properly.

By far the best of all the 80s/90s sequel movies to date.

It was also a very warming tribute to Harold Ramis at the end.

My daughter had no interest in this until she saw the mini mallows running riot. I hope they are in it a lot lol.
Overall a really good movie, though some things are a bit of a head scratcher. Might take a second viewing to have a retake on these, might come off as "nit picky" but after waiting 32 years some things really do stand out:

The phonecall explanation about Egon to me really made no sense. It was established in the first movie that Gozer had multiple incarnations with numerous destructor forms in different dimensions, it was also established in the first movie that crossing the streams just shut the door on Gozer, it didn't destroy Gozer. Yet suddenly Egon is "crazy" and spouting religious lines about the end of the world and Gozers return, apparently nobody believes him despite him finding shandor mine, and the carvings on the wall in the mine, along with the same metal used in the NY building so all the building blocks for a return portal were in place. It just really felt like they were struggling for an explanation for him to have left and went off on his own, he had faced down Gozer before then Vigo, why would Gozer returning suddenly make him crazy and unable to prove anything, but still sane enough to rig up 4 wands to cross their streams to stop the door repoening, and turning a farm into a large ghost trap? That segment of the movie for me listening to it just made no sense, it went against everything that Egons character was.

The cgi Egon looked really good, but.....for me the character got a bit awkward when he hung around for longer than expected, purely down to the fact that he never spoke. It just seemed odd that he is able to manifest and take solid form yet not speak, you'd think he would have something to say instead of just making gestures. Though i suspect that the cgi had something to do with that, in Terminator dark fate they had the cgi arnold speak initially but apparently it looked unrealistic so speaking was scrapped, might have been a similar issue here as i doubt that duplicating his voice was some impossible challenge.

Having Ivo Shandor in the movie seemed to be purely to put a face to the name.

Gozer was well done, though no challenge to choose a destructor form also stuck me as a bit strange considering going by the first movie and Louis's rant the destructor form is basically Gozers entire MO. At least the character had more screen time than in the original movie which was probably around a minute or so at best. The voice could have used tweaking, sounded off vs the original.

The originals showing up at a certain point was basically predicted by the internet as soon as their involvement was reported. I thought they could have appeared a bit earlier than what they did, you basically knew exactly when they were going to appear.
I think the Egon leaving was more that he just picked up all the equipment and took the car without much explanation. Leaving his business partners in the lurch. I think it became an obsession for him amd that may have made his sound nuts.

The non speaking Egon ghost was not cgi entirely. There was an actor on set playing the role. I don't think he needed to speak, the other characters expressions and emotions were enough to let you know how they all felt. They actually spoke to Harold's family to make sure they were okwith what they wanted to do.

I think the Shandor scene was meant to be ironic or funny in some way. This guy devoted his life to getting Gozer a way to return and in the end Gozer wasn't interested and could handle everything without help from a puny human.
I think the Egon leaving was more that he just picked up all the equipment and took the car without much explanation. Leaving his business partners in the lurch. I think it became an obsession for him amd that may have made his sound nuts.

It does sort of fly in the face of the character we seen in the previous 2 movies, Egon was the level headed scientist and Ray was the more obsessive character, Ray mentions Egon called him up a decade previous and said something about a storm of souls or something along those lines, can't remember exactly what was said. The end of the world signs also lend to Egon losing it and going a bit nuts. Just find it hard to accept that given all the dialogue about multiple Gozer manifestations in the first movie that Egon is suddenly seen as obsessed even after he finds the second entry point. I think with a bit of thought that storyline could have been handled better as to me it makes no sense that the most science based member of the team would suddenly become obsessed and not have anything to back it up with.

The non speaking Egon ghost was not cgi entirely. There was an actor on set playing the role. I don't think he needed to speak, the other characters expressions and emotions were enough to let you know how they all felt. They actually spoke to Harold's family to make sure they were okwith what they wanted to do.

It was likely an actor in a jumpsuit to get visual eyeline and have something for the actors to react to, also the hugging scene would be easier done with an actor there. Probably mainly a CG head replacement, though we'll probably see when the "making of" footage appears online. I think it would have added more to the scene if he had said something, just to hear the voice one last time before departing would have made the scene that bit better.

I think the Shandor scene was meant to be ironic or funny in some way. This guy devoted his life to getting Gozer a way to return and in the end Gozer wasn't interested and could handle everything without help from a puny human.

I just wonder who put him back in the casket he was in back in 1984, he is shown to stir when gozer tries to come through but then goes back to his "sleep" when Gozer gets repelled. Gozer comes through and he's up and about so presumably was also the case in 1984. Every earthquake was Gozer attempting to come through again so he must not have got much sleep. :p Gozer was played by Olivia Wilde and Shandor J.K. Simmons.
Did you all stay till the end of the credits?


I saw it this morning. Thanks to today being a school day the cinema was deserted. I enjoyed it but it's not as good as my memory of the originals. I felt that it was cut down a little too much - what happened to the cuneiform document, for instance?
Watched this film last night and loved it, very very well made and a worthy sequel.
My kids enjoyed it and haven't seen the original (Yes bad Dad) but having seen the original made it much better.
The media reviews of this movie are amusing, they're clearly clueless about the history behind the movie and why things are happening, even though some of the things that occur were stated in the original movie. Comparing it to force awakens only vaguely makes sense on the surface if you're unfamiliar with the history of the series, which most of these bellends clearly are.

Basically the media are getting in some digs for all the hate that the 2016 Vagina Avengers movie got.
Watched it tonight and thought it was good. Much better than I expected. I was hoping it was better than that last disaster with the female ghostbusters.

Very fitting tribute and despite my concerns with the children. Phoebe was surprisingly believable and did well. How any of the reviewers thought this was ***p is baffling. Lot of unjustified negatively going around from reviewers.
Went last night, and found out just as it was starting my wife hasn't seen the originals.... bit of an earlier showing so mix of nostalgic adults and parents with younger kids, laughs at different points with the kids obviously all loving stay puft! I really enjoyed it, good balance of nostalgia but not relying overly on it. The kids in it weren't overly annoying and it wasn't so forced like so many films like this often are.

Gatekeeper/key master transition was great, really channelling Sigourney weaver/Rick moranis original scenes!

Missed the end credit so will have to find it and rewatch the originals with the wife!
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