Ghosts? Are you a believer? I didn't really until this happened..

Having spent years URBEXing "haunted" mental asylums and hospitals, not a single thing caught on camera or even witnessed. A figment of the mind.
Oh - we're doing one of these threads again are we.
No, ghosts don't exist.
For 20 years mobile phones have had cameras. For the past decade there have been more phones than there are people - yet not a single one of these "in your pocket, always carried with you, visual recording devices" has managed to catch an image of one.

Either entirely fabricated, stories by drunk people, stories by people who want attention. That leaves around 2% which can then be explained via scientific means.
We laugh about it now but what if they had it half right about reincarnation? You don't come back as a living thing but rather a bit of furniture.

You'll look at your kallax from IKEA in a different light now!

I once sat on the remote in bed. Have I been bummed by a spirit?!
There is a woodland close to me through which runs the old Fosse Way and there have been claims of sightings of a phantom Roman legion.

Innerestingly, they can only be seen from the waist up as the original surface of the road is now buried several feet under.

Can’t help feeling that these witnesses were also legless as the route in question is a shortcut from our village to an outlying pub :-)
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