Girl killed by pit bull terrier

^^ Can i first ask what dogs you mean before i unleash my tirade of written put downs and net anecdotes on you.
I have nothing to add that hasn't been said before concerning Pits. I thought you were on about a different breed.
abruzz1 said:
His father prised open one dog's jaws and dragged all three out of the house

That bloke was bloody lucky. And brave.

Me, I'm just an idiot:

I had some kind of mastiff-cross from the neighbours garden a few years back spot my tomcat dozing under our hedge, leap clear over a 4ft high wire fence, and go for him.

The cat did a VTOL maneuvre and sprang instantly into the air, on the way down raking the hell out of the dogs face, before leaping up again and clearing off over the top of the hedge.

At this point the dog is stood up on its hind paws, its head about level with mine, bleeding and barking after the cat, and I have never been so ****** off in my life, because my little girl was stood about 6ft away and it was clear that had she been in the way of the dog as it rushed the cat, it would have knocked her down like, well, a 60kg dog travelling at speed knocking down a 5yo. And it's now looking at me and her and clearly out for blood.

So I did possibly the stupidest thing of my life so far, grabbed the dog two-fisted by the scruff of its neck, and marched the brute back across the garden on its hind legs, with some vague Hulk-like plan of tossing it back over the 4ft fence.

You cannot easily toss 60kg of slavering doggie muscle over a 4ft fence when its thrashing around trying to get a bite in. Unless you're the Hulk. I am not. So I persuaded it back over there with a savage and liberal kicking.

The guest of my neighbour, who's dog it was, promptly retreated into the neighbours house as I ranted and raved and banged on his door, called the police on me, who, sods law, turned up in 5 minutes flat for once, by which time the severe shakes and an urgent need to take a crap had set in, took one look at the enormous brute, still bleeding from the cat's claws, and laughed at his story about how I had beaten his dog up. Turns out he had outstanding allegations of failing to control the animal, as several other people had reported him for having his dog threaten/attack them. He got, wait for it, an(other) ASBO, despite a long history of drug-related criminality, and the animal got destoyed.

I feel bad about the animal, but I feel worse about the fact that it should have been the cretinous owner that got a hiding, not his dog.

So I was stupid, and incredibly lucky, and I will despise forever anyone who owns a big aggessive dog who can't or won't keep it under control.
thelonecrouton said:
Long post

God, I'm glad your kids alright, and your cat!

But yeah, I wish these people would get more than an asbo, the asbo isnt doing anything! It's like having a criminal record! It's cool to them!

Poor dog yes. And you are right, more should have been done.

I mean being able to get more than 1 asbo, whats that about? Surely it should be 1 asbo and then anything else you do wrong, it should be an immediate fine! Or more depending on what you did.
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