Global Warming - Eliminating all U.S. gasoline powered vehicles would reduce...

It's a convincing graph but doesn't on it's own support the view that rising CO2 increases world temperatures.

It is just as plausible that rising world temperature caused elevated CO2 (due to rotting matter and increased animal and plant growth).

Yes that could be true, but what it does show is that compared to the last 650,000 years there is now an imbalance becuase of us (or rather because of how we're living), this extra large peak in CO2 concentration started with our industrial revolution and has continued to increase disproportionately compared to how CO2 concentration and temperatures matched each others rise and fall's in the past, what this means in terms rising temperatures atm I'm not sure, but I guess scientists are predicting that it means temperatures will rise above the past high peaks which is why co2 emissions is such a hot topic today.
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It's a convincing graph but doesn't on it's own support the view that rising CO2 increases world temperatures.

It is just as plausible that rising world temperature caused elevated CO2 (due to rotting matter and increased animal and plant growth).

Your quite right; correlation is not causation and all that. However, in this case there is both correlation and a known causal mechanism.
It's a convincing graph but doesn't on it's own support the view that rising CO2 increases world temperatures.

It is just as plausible that rising world temperature caused elevated CO2 (due to rotting matter and increased animal and plant growth).

Surely this is a fairly important point.

More CO2 enters the atmosphere when it is warmer anyway, does it not? :confused:
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"Eliminating all U.S. gasoline powered vehicles would reduce worldwide carbon dioxide emissions by 0.18%."

Is this statement true?

If so, then surely at least as regards cars and the like (which we're getting taxed on now to stop using) it's a lot of fuss about nothing isn't it?
Wow that does sound surprisingly low...
CO2? You've got it all wrong. The real man made product that is causing "global warming" is ice cream! More and more people are buying it and the world is getting warmer, so more poeple are buying ice cream to cool down. If the government doesn't start to tax ice cream soon we're going to be in big trouble. This graph that I made in paint with no real figures proves it!

I see a flaw in your graph... did the war really dent ice cream sales increases that much that in a peak of warmer weather sales almost plateaued for a few years? :P
Try reading Evangelion's post.

Temperature was not higher prior to 1880.

I dont need to Ive seen IPCC graphs that show otherwise which is why they happen to chop the graph where they do. There had been a pretty much constant drop till around 1880 so they took it at the lowest point to accentuate the rise as if its never been that hot before.
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I see a flaw in your graph... did the war really dent ice cream sales increases that much that in a peak of warmer weather sales almost plateaued for a few years? :P

The Germans bombed the ice cream factories and as you can see the temperature reduced back down to the ice cream sales trend when the sales were steady, sales started to pick up again and the temperatures were again on the increase. If it wasn't for the war the world would be much hotter right now.
Goes to show, global warming or climate change is a bunch of crap.

Not at all :rolleyes: There is lots of evidence to say we are probably irreversibly changing the planet's carbon dioxide equilibrium. That and making the seas more acidic than they have ever been. Destroying more species in such a small time frame that on a geological time-scale, it would be considered a catastrophe (similar to the great Permian-Triassic disaster).

We are undoubtedly doing large amounts of harm, most of which won't be reaped for many years yet. people seem to forget the world os over 4.5 billions of years old, and things take time :)

Oh, and the real reason for global warming?

Global warming or climate change may be debatable, but what is not debatable and is fact is the rate at which human activity is literally destroying hundreds of species each week, hundreds of kilometres of rainforest cut down that will most likely never grow back again, seas lakes and rivers polluted with mercury.. The list doesn't stop.

Soon there will be no tigers, there will be no birds, there will be no more marine life that hasn't been poisoned with mercury, or there may just be none at all. Rather than now all these animals becoming extinct may only affect those that are animal lovers, one day if it carries on it will effect absolutely everyone. The world population won't stop increasing, and soon countries like India and China will be demanding to eat meat on a regular basis. There will be a food shortage.
Global warming or climate change may be debatable, but what is not debatable and is fact is the rate at which human activity is literally destroying hundreds of species each week, hundreds of kilometres of rainforest cut down that will most likely never grow back again, seas lakes and rivers polluted with mercury.. The list doesn't stop.

Soon there will be no tigers, there will be no birds, there will be no more marine life that hasn't been poisoned with mercury, or there may just be none at all. Rather than now all these animals becoming extinct may only affect those that are animal lovers, one day if it carries on it will effect absolutely everyone. The world population won't stop increasing, and soon countries like India and China will be demanding to eat meat on a regular basis. There will be a food shortage.

Yes and overpopulation is the problem. Vote for me, - STOP COUNCIL BABY FARMS, stop benifits for parents having children they can't afford.
( |-| |2 ][ $;13753894 said:
stop benifits for parents having children they can't afford.

You like the idea of child poverty?

Forcibly remove them from the parents and put them into care?
You like the idea of child poverty?

Forcibly remove them from the parents and put them into care?

No I don't like child poverty, but if there was no incentive and people realised the actual cost of children they'd think twice before relying on the state.

As for removing children from families that can't afford them yes, they'd probably get a better life than if they come from a Mum who just thought an extra child means extra money.
Anyone else fed up with all this C02 nonsense? Just seems an easy excuse to tax motorists. I bet in 1000 years people will look back and laugh.
I couldn't agree more

Surely one of the biggest causes of greenhouse gases is a century of chopping down the rainforests and urbanising everywhere? trees and plants convert CO2 to Oxygen don't they?

It's becoming pretty evident that Global Warming has been changed to Climate Change due to lack of warming, probably getting ready to tax us for breathing and fine us for farting.
10p in and 20p out

Hamburgers are the Hummers of food, when it comes to global warming.

If cows are driven to extinction and all humans switch to grazing, all will be well.
I like this Idea - hmmmm - Grass
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