
Jealous x 105%

Nice one, where did you order from? We have a group of 3 waiting to play and 1 / 2 chap who may drop in & out.
I noticed there was 10 or so for sale on Amazon for £129.99, looked at who the seller was (gameslore) and ordered it direct from them instead for £115 :D
I've no idea either.
I am still waiting on forbidden planet to get restocked, twice now they have bumped the date along.
V sad.... esp when they want £140 and you got it for £25 less.
Honestly no idea what this is supposed to mean!

It's a joke, of course. But if you're really interested in finding out what online retailers are selling for and when they have games in stock, don't waste your time going through Amazon where everything is marked up and sellbots try to manipulate the prices - just sign up for weekly notifications. You'll usually get them on Friday for the following Tuesday's stock entries.
It's a joke, of course. But if you're really interested in finding out what online retailers are selling for and when they have games in stock, don't waste your time going through Amazon where everything is marked up and sellbots try to manipulate the prices - just sign up for weekly notifications. You'll usually get them on Friday for the following Tuesday's stock entries.
I use Amazon wish list to keep track of the games and expansions I want, I'm perfectly able to search out prices online. I also don't want to sign up to a bunch of newsletters. Keep your attempts at being clever to yourself next time.
What a pointless comment, he's got a game he wants does it matter how?

Sortakinda? The board game industry tends to tight margins and short print runs. The popular games sell out easily and reprints can sometimes take years to come, if ever. If you want to be sure of getting a game, you often need to pre-order because the stores will only order in to meet known demand plus one or two extra copies.

So yeah, I was snarking, but it's still a valid point.
My copy has just arrived in at Meeples Corner and getting shipped tomorrow!
Let me know if you have the correct character cards, it seems a lot of 4th printing has been shipped with 1st print character cards, just a cosmetic and quality of life change between the later version but still irritating as it doesn't match up to the rule book. Requested some replacements from cephalofair so hopefully they arrive soon (although currently looking to start arcadia quest with my kids so not in any rush!)
Let me know if you have the correct character cards, it seems a lot of 4th printing has been shipped with 1st print character cards, just a cosmetic and quality of life change between the later version but still irritating as it doesn't match up to the rule book. Requested some replacements from cephalofair so hopefully they arrive soon (although currently looking to start arcadia quest with my kids so not in any rush!)

Yeah it has 1st edition character boards.
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