Glory, glory Leeds United for me please.

12 Jun 2005
This has gone on long enough. Gustov mate, you haven't explained why you think it's wrong for G|mp to follow teams in this way? We are just going around in circles until you tell us why it's unacceptable.
30 May 2008
Meh I give up. I'll be banned by the morning so pointless anyway :)

I have no problem with Gimp supporting many teams but its something i personally can't grasp the concept of.

As previously said we are obviously from completely opposite sides of the spectrum with regards to how we support football.

I see football as more than just a game, i am passionate about my team and will stand by them regardless.

Gimp obviously enjoys football as a form of entertainment and therefore supports the teams who are in form.
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5 Aug 2004
I kind of hope he doesn't get banned and the mods make the poll just so he can see how people don't buy into his wrong headed stance.
30 May 2008
How about poll these questions? If i am in the minority I'll never post here again.

Is it a good thing to be a glory hunter? Yes/ No

Who does the club benefit from more? Glory hunters or Loyal Supporters?

Is it acceptable to support Liverpool then Arsenal then Chelsea then United just because they are the current team in form? Yes / No
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12 Jun 2005
Those are some good questions, but you haven't really answered them yourself and explained why you feel that way. I think if you answered them first, it would encourage others in this thread to do the same.
4 Sep 2008
Is it a good thing to be a glory hunter? Yes/ No

No, and Yes. No, you should support your local team or just stick to one team, however unlucky they are.
Yes, because you have every right to enjoy football, and you might get more enjoyment from watching and supporting the best team at the time.

Who does the club benefit from more? Glory hunters or Loyal Supporters?

Each club has loyal, local supporters. When a club hits good form or wins something it will attract more fans because of the performances, cup. So yes, the club does benefit from both. A club lives on its season ticket sales, the back bone of the club if you like, but have a consitantly high turn over from "day trippers" is a massive boost. They're both equal.

Is it acceptable to support Liverpool then Arsenal then Chelsea then United just because they are the current team in form? Yes / No

I don't think it's right, but it doesn't mean it's wrong. I know lots of younger children who support the club that is winning or has won the most, Manchester United, Arsenal, Liverpool and to a lesser extent Chelsea have relied massivly on winning things and attracting a lot of young fans who stick to the club. People have every right to support who they want, regardless of who they are, where they're from, who they also support / have supported.

Hope this helps you understand my view point, which is fairly on the fence.
Just because I don't like something, it doesn't make it wrong or ****. Thats my own opinion. I've said in many posts on the forums that I can see the other side to the arguement and I do often agree in part with both sides.
However I will try not to shoot people down because they don't agree with me, I will just discuss the different opinions.
I'm fairly good at being the middle man or neutral ;) I made a job out of it to an extent.
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7 Dec 2004
Gustov if you were debating something like loyalty during a war or similar you might have a point but it's ******* football. Why does someone else's support bother you so much, can't you be happy in the fact you're the better fan or something?

I used to support Aston Villa but then I read Gustov's posts now I support Manchester United and Liverpool wow what a trophy collection.
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