Goat Simulator

Anyone who hasn't seen the Dead Island trailer should really watch that before the new trailer linked above :D

I'm more excited for this than I have been for most recent big titles like Infamous!

This is the frontier in modern Goat Simulation. The game will be released the 1st of April. But those who have pre-ordered will be able to play on the 28th of March!

from the steam page, meaning I will be goating it up tomorrow!
Watched the videos this morning and just bought it through their site. Even if it only keeps me entertained for an hour while drunk it'll still be better value than some Hollywood blockbuster DVDs I've purchased over the years.

Wonder what point today it'll unlock? And whether it'll play nicely across 3 screens? :D
Watched the videos this morning and just bought it through their site. Even if it only keeps me entertained for an hour while drunk it'll still be better value than some Hollywood blockbuster DVDs I've purchased over the years.

Wonder what point today it'll unlock? And whether it'll play nicely across 3 screens? :D

The millions of bugs means you may get spazzing goats all over 3 screens! Test > Record > Youtube and cash in from monetisation!
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