Goat Simulator

Impressive. The jet pack just seems to be a really quick way for me to meet the ground. Is there any way to control direction while the pack's burning or is it completely random?

its hard to get used to for controlled long flights

took me a while too get a long distance. great when you pull of it right :D
There was a guy in an orange trackie so I licked him and dragged him onto the road. A big truck came along and whacked him head on and sent him flying up in the air until he landed with a splat. I laughed a lot until I turned the camera and saw a blue car skidding around the corner into me... GOAT adventures.
Anyone found the goat castle yet and claimed themselves king of goats? :d

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robbaz did a video earlier about a demon goat. you need to collect bodies and add them on a doom style pentagon thing. then you transform into a demon.

my first proper flight here

gunna try and get him to fly whole map straight but man its hard .
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King of goats
Devil goat

This game is awesome
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I watched the videos that were released a while back and though I was amused at the whole thing I thought I'll never actually buy it, but that launch trailer has me seriously tempted!
you never know i noticed a few things in it like chat and stuff why would you add chat in single player?

ill try and ask him tomorrow.
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