GOG , Good Old Games - Official Thread

New GOG sale

JoWood games sale, 75% off for the pack:


Alien Nations
AquaNox 2: Revelation
Dark Fall 2: Lights Out
Dark Fall: The Journal
Gothic 2 Gold Edition
Guild Gold Edition
Nations Gold Edition
Neighbours From Hell Compilation
Painkiller Black Edition
Panzer Elite Special Edition
Spellforce Platinum

All for $24.37 (£14.64). You can also get 60% off individual titles.
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i forgot about checking gog until looking at this thread and found painkiller and broken sword directors cut, just purchased both for $9.99, excellent stuff :)
I was playing realms of the haunting last night and even today at my age i still cacked myself as that demon came up out the ground and went towards me. With the storm flashing outside and the baby crying on the record player!

If only the controls werent so :mad::mad::mad:, sure it was easier on dos years ago
This will make the game far easier to control and with mouse look

Download http://www.autohotkey.com/download/ , without installer and copy into your ROTH directory.

COPY ROTH.AHK into your ROTH Directory

COPY ROTH.BAT into your ROTH Directory

COPY ROTHDIE.BAT into your ROTH Directory

Load ROTH.BAT and a autohotkey.exe icon will appear in your taskbar, Load the realms of the haunting as usual and that's it!. However when you quit The Realms of the Haunting, make sure you run ROTHDIE.BAT to quit the hotkey application and roth hotkey.

If you wish to change the hotkeys edit ROTH.AHK with notepad and make sure it's saved as *.AHK!.

Currently it's set to

; Remap the keys
e::Up ; forward
d: down ; backwards
,::, ; left
.::. ; right
s::Left ; turn left
f::Right ; turn right
a::a ; jump
g::z ; duck
Enter::Enter ; use inventory item
Shift::` ; toggle run
[::c ; gamma up
]::v ; gamma down

AWSD doesn't work right because the game always defaults A to jump :( so use my keyset ;)
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I made my first purchase on GOG. I must say what an absolute pleasure it is to use their web site, It's such a smooth interface and everything just made sense.

I bought The Witcher for only $4.99 as I've never played it before :D:D I will certainly be using their services again.
GOG is the most user friendly shop on the internet in my opinion.The bonuses are great too, and I love my shelf. Already have 101 games there.
My only minor, teeny tiny gripe is that it did not play well with Chrome (dev 13) so I had to use IE *shudder* to sign up and purchase :p

The shelf is a cool idea, I can only imagine what some peoples shelves would look like if Steam had it :)
I thought the sequel was better in just about every way :confused:

Still being supported too, one of the ex developers released a big patch recently.
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