Gone off gaming

as above if dishonored doesn't tickle your single player interest then not sure what will one best games past years (new thief should have topped dishonored but failed miserably ) . witcher 2 or 3 if u like rpg portal 2 if u played portal 1 , bioshok infinite was epic i even didn't play the previous ones , Dying light pretty good . there is also csgo and now battlefield 1 beta atm

bit of ramble had few beers my bad ...
Take a break, do other things. Then there may be one game that you'll get into and it will bring you back.

I had a big slump in 2014 and then Alien Isolation hooked me.
I was 10 and first sat in the full size Ridge Racer car at Meahowhall in the arcade in front of the huge CTR TV... maybe it was the Rift that killed gaming as it made it so good!? Hopefully it has only done so for a short period of time

God I remember that thing. Only went on it once, as everyone used to love watching people play & I was terrible & by the time my game ended I was so embarrassed I wanted the floor to swallow me up.:p

But back to the topic, I'd recommend Dishonoured. One of the best games I've played in recent years, it is absolutely fantastic.
With gaming maybe you just need something fresh. I'm currently playing through Talos Principle, which is a 1st person narrative driven puzzle game and having a great time. The nature of it means i can pick it up and play it for anything from 5 minutes to 5 hours and the story has hooked me (you're a robot being instructed by a booming "heavenly" voice to solve puzzles... as you go through the game you uncover chat logs, email chains and audio logs that give background). The base puzzles are simple, but the "extra" bits are quite challenging and require a bit of "breaking" to get some of them (i'm trying to be completely spoiler-free :D)
Nah I get this. I have a new daughter, new job and all sorts of stuff going on in my life, so it's hard to find the time to really get stuck into a good single player game.

I must say I just picked up a rift and am loving elite dangerous in it. It's like it was made for VR. Other than that, if you want something simple, with potential to have a very high skill ceiling, and that you can jump in for 5 mins or more to suit your schedule, I highly recommend rocket league. Definitely try to find some mates to play with, but it's our go to game when you just fancy some fun.

If you prefer SP experiences, witcher 3 is always an amazing game to play if you haven't already, but it does need a good hour or so for a decent session. Maybe something like subnautica if you like the crafting type games.


That's nothing.

I've just had twins delivered plus running my own business (whilst looking after them).

Now that can get you at times:

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At 31 I was in my gaming prime, nothing for me to finish work at 5pm and game from 6pm until 4am and get up for work at 8am.

Sadly them days are over as nothing is released that compels me anymore in gaming.

Am 44 and seen it all been gaming since 1982, I have hammered games to death.

I would just take a break and see what happens over the next 12 months.

I just play Elite Dangerous now and again, I hammered Elite 1&2 to death as I was unemployed at the time and spent so many hours on them you would not believe.

I will admit from all my gaming experience we are at an all time low, I think its a bit like music.

I used to love music and still do but the is nothing new I listen to, as its all been done.

The saturation point in games has happened I think, just like modern music.
The is only so many notes you can play, just like the is only so many games you can play.

did you have a gf?
I think I said this not too long ago, but thats me done with this generation of gaming.

Only game time ive spent over the last six weeks has been the battlefield 1 beta, didnt like it at all.

Plus ive got other things to do now, like the humongous task of sorting my life out.
I prescribe a dose of:

mark of the ninja
this war of mine.

works of art that can be picked up and put back down again.

I thought the witcher 3 was a bit to big for its own good but that too can be played in small 30 minute chunks as there are so many side quests.

I play stellaris also like chess, play it for 45 minutes then put it down.

cloud based saves mean I can move around the house and continue playing elsewhere or on laptop.
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