Anyone running ESXi 5?
Perhaps you might be able to answer some questions for me.
How do you perform backups of data from the VM's on the server (not backing up the VMDK files, but the data itself so it can be mounted on another PC if required)? The Microserver doesn't support VMDirectPath, so I cant directly attach a drive via eSATA to a VM and configuring a datastore and adding that way, means it can never be removed as ESXi appears to want to erase the data when deleting the datastore (in testing this I appear to have hit a bug whereby it won't let me delete a datastore on an eSATA disk, even though it contains no files/folders or hardware mappings (CD ROMS/ISO's etc) on the disk). Turning off the eSATA caddy also appears to cause ESXi to crash and become unresponsive which then requires a hard reboot.
And what about populating data on to the server? If the only way I can add a disk to a VM is by configuring it as a datastore, then that will remove all data on the disk in the process of formatting the VMFS. Am I restricted to connecting to another PC and copying over the network?
Moving over to ESXi is seeming more hassle than it's worth at the moment. Might just move back to a native install of WHS2011 which has worked perfectly for months now.