Good Cheap Server - HP Proliant Microserver 4 BAY - OWNERS THREAD

Ok, think I figured out the problem - internal port must be read only, as it installed fine when I plugged in the USB drive into one of the front ports (and now boots fine from the internal one).

Thanks :p
Ok, think I figured out the problem - internal port must be read only, as it installed fine when I plugged in the USB drive into one of the front ports (and now boots fine from the internal one).

Thanks :p

Just to let you know this wasn't the case for me :s

I installed FreeNAS from a external USB DVD drive to a cheap kingston 8gb memory stick which I had in the internal port. Stock firmware.

I'm trying to install FreeNAS (full OS) to a HP 16GB USB drive (internal port), but I am getting this error message:

[edit]Tried with embedded version also; similar error message:

I've tried doing a full format on the drive in Windows... no joy :(

It does manage to write a single file to the disk though (there is a config XML from the installer).

Help please!!



To late now

...... but you wasted a USB stick bruv..... it would have fitted easily on a 4GB one with acres to spare :(
I'm only playing around with different OS' at the moment (FreeNAS, OMV etc.) so not set in stone... I actually have a 512MB one which it would probably fit on!
So I got my server up and running with WHS 2011 and things are running pretty well. I would like to monitor usage across the server and hopefully include internet usage, anyone got any ideas how I would go about doing this?

I have googled etc but nothing of use was thrown up in the results.

Since I am using my one as a HTPC and a download/file server, I think I might stick with Windows 7 Ultimate!
Already tried WHS 2011 but has come up with some problems when trying to access via my WD TV live unit!
I also want to put it to sleep when I am not using and wake it up using an app with my android phone.
FreeNAS does list a WOL function in their site but I heard that it still has some issues!
Not tried it though! I couldn't get it to install using the USB stick!
FreeNAS does list a WOL function in their site but I heard that it still has some issues!
Not tried it though! I couldn't get it to install using the USB stick!

Hads this problem, with USB stick, changed out the Scandisk one for a transcend and it worked first time :)
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Would like to do this with FreeNAS - is there an option to make it sleep after X minutes idle, and then use the wake-on-LAN feature to turn it back on when needed?

Have you looked at the option to spin down the drives after x amount of minutes?

Yes.... it's still powered on but it's just ticking over really. power consumption will be really low
Oh I was using Sandisk!

I think it's one of those things with data encrypt software that they have on them.

You should have looked at the lights out add in for WHS you could have scheduled your power on and off

What problems did you encounter with your WD Live (Streaming?) unit ?
Going to give freenas one more try using a different USB stick!
I also found 2 apps in Google Play that could be used to have the WOL function in FreeNAS!

Any one know a guide on how to make the installation using USB stick(not CD rom drive)?
I think it's one of those things with data encrpyt software that they have on them.

You should have looked at the lights out add in for WHS you could have scheduled your power on and off

What problems did you encounter with your WD Live (Streaming?) unit ?

With WHS2011, I couldn't change the default workgroup! I had o remove certificate authentication roles in order to change the workgroup!
But after doing the Dash board didn't work!

WD live only sees things in the specified work group and all of my PCs are in a custom work group.
With WHS2011, I couldn't change the default workgroup! I had o remove certificate authentication roles in order to change the workgroup!
But after doing the Dash board didn't work!

WD live only sees things in the specified work group and all of my PCs are in a custom work group.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... I c

Can't quite remember .... but I thought the Workgroup setup was part of the WHS install?
hmm it didn't come up when installing in mine! By default work group was grayed out(disabled) and only "workgroup" was set! there was some information saying I have to remove certificate authentication service or some thing like that, which I then removed and changed the work group.

Edit :
I only seem to have Sandisk Usb sticks in my house :(
Seems like I have get my external DVD writer out!
Since I am using my one as a HTPC and a download/file server, I think I might stick with Windows 7 Ultimate!
Already tried WHS 2011 but has come up with some problems when trying to access via my WD TV live unit!
I also want to put it to sleep when I am not using and wake it up using an app with my android phone.

The only issues I have with my WD Live TV unit is down to the box itself, loosing the shares basically.
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