Good Cheap Server - HP Proliant Microserver 4 BAY - OWNERS THREAD

is £150 +p&p a good price for one of these thats not including a rebate as its from the bay ??? just trying to do this on a slim budget was hoping to do this on the cheap but the price of 2Tb samsung t4's are shocking
I believe it can be had for £105 after rebate, so i dont see why the ebay one would be worth considering, unless it comes loaded with a few HDDs.
I believe it can be had for £105 after rebate, so i dont see why the ebay one would be worth considering, unless it comes loaded with a few HDDs.

not seen it for that price :( thats why i looked on the bay

Cheers Darryn, ordering one tomorrow rebate plus quidco :)

Can Sata3 drives be used in this ??? going by the prices of Sata 2 and 3 theres a be difference on the 2's been more expensive
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not seen it for that price :( thats why i looked on the bay

Cheers Darryn, ordering one tomorrow rebate plus quidco :)

Can Sata3 drives be used in this ??? going by the prices of Sata 2 and 3 theres a be difference on the 2's been more expensive

Just picked one up last week, you might want to check the rebate end date though. The one I've got has an end date of 31st August...
Just picked one up last week, you might want to check the rebate end date though. The one I've got has an end date of 31st August...

seen info online and on retailer sites that its been extended to 1st-30th September hope someone else can confirm this
For anyone considering it...

I've got SBS2011 running on mine, and it is nice and snappy, it's got 8gb of ram in it so that'll be helping no end.

Be interesting to see how it handles Exchange 2010 as well which I'll be setting up this week, among a few other bits and pieces.

Shall let you know if I reach a 'limit' as such :)
Can probably install some software to monitor it (I haven't done it on Windows for yeeeaarrrss so I'm not help here then RDP into it) ?
what kind of transfer speeds are you guys getting with the onboard Gigabit port ??? seen mixed results with people opting for a dedicated NIC card
what kind of transfer speeds are you guys getting with the onboard Gigabit port ??? seen mixed results with people opting for a dedicated NIC card

I haven't monitored it tbh because my network at home isn't finished.

Anyone know a way of measuring the temps of the N40L ?
Mine is in an enclosed cabinet and just want to check that it isnt getting too toasty . . . .



Think I use a program called cputemp on my server at home. I'd be more worried about the HDD temp though.
well just ordered one for £199 inc vat and £100 rebate lol £99 server is not to be sniffed at, now i just need to work out which 2tb hard drives to use samsung or seagate
well just ordered one for £199 inc vat and £100 rebate lol £99 server is not to be sniffed at, now i just need to work out which 2tb hard drives to use samsung or seagate

I'd go for the western digital intellipower drives. Damn good hard drives tbh.

Anyone know a way of measuring the temps of the N40L ?
Mine is in an enclosed cabinet and just want to check that it isnt getting too toasty . . . .



I've been using OpenHardwareMonitor.

I setup a 'gadget' to show realtime CPU & HD temps, plus memory and load so I can see at a glance when I'm connected via RDP.

The main window keeps a log of highs (and lows) if you want to review over a period :)
Seems fine to me. I've pushed 990MBit using iperf.

Yeah fine:-


these the ones :) linky


I like them because when not in use they switch themselves off automatically and safely, and its not something you have to configure in Windows either, they just do it.

Reduces overall wear and tear on the hard drive, increasing drive life span, also if you only need to transfer a small amount of data you don't need to wait for it to fully spin up, it'll spin up enough to transfer then switch itself off again, if you're doing a lot then they'll go full speed before doing it. Also, they are nion silent. I have 3 in my server and you can't hear them bubbling away :)
cheers for that Phate found them for under £90 with free deliver will get them ordered as soon as i can
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