Mine arrived yesterday, two days before the extra RAM which meant ESXi 5 wouldn't install, 4.1 did though so I will upgrade it once it arrives
I'm impressed with the way it's built, very neat and well thought out. I spent ages looking for HDD screws and only after did I notice there were loads of spares in the door
I've started with installing esxi 4.1 on to a 1gb flash drive (internal) and then installed freenas on to the supplied 250gb disk.
I then allocated 2x1TB drives to freenas and built a raidZ volume (striped) and i've started the process of copying over the media.
Despite only having 1GB allocated i'm getting 41MB/sec (enabled caching in the BIOS) which i'm quite happy with (it's more than i'll get over powerline when I put it in the garage!)
one problem i did have was freenas would freeze when I allocated both cores. Switching back to 1 core works fine, but it's a bit strange.
Next step is to get Serviio on another VM, possibly using linux. I've no idea if the CPU will be good enough to transcode, I suspect not
After that I have another 1TB drive to add which will be for backups, that in turn will use Rsync over SSL to another freenas box at my parents. Their backups will come to my freenas, and vice versa so I will have Network raid protection.
I'm such a geek.