Good Cheap Server - HP Proliant Microserver 4 BAY - OWNERS THREAD

Maj, if you're interested I have an HP P410 raid card with battery backed cache I can stick on Members Market for you.

I could be as having checked on HP website it offers RAID 5 (which I'm still keeping as an option as well as everything else suggested). What would you be thinking for a price? Trust me if you want.
Hiya m8
Got the files you upped a while back am trying to install via ILO but it keeps failing at about 2%.How did you upload them to your Gen8 please?

I do the same as Quartz.
The last 2/3 SPP have failed to run from the Ilo for me.
Currently looking into something like this for Plex, torrentbox/ Usenet automated setup with sonarr.

Reading mostly negative stuff about the gen10.

What would you go for at this moment? Any hints to best deals atm?
Gen8 if you can find one, failing that a custom build.
£300 cheapest via the bay..

QNAP TS-251+ 2GB RAM 2 Bay NAS for £235?

What would a custom server build look like/ cost?

The gen10 is about £200 after cashback?

So many options dont know which is best value for money

Other option is Dell T30? £390ish
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The prices for the gen8s have gone stupid on the bay, I honestly wouldn't bother. Occasionally a decent unit for a fair price come up with a buy it now but you'll be in for a wait.

Other option is a Dell T20 but its suffering form the same issue as the gen8s now but a lot more seem to come up for a good price.

I've been migrating my Gen8s to T20 as and when they come up at a decent price.
They have been stupid for a while, people seem to think £600 for a 2nd had Gen8 with a 70w Desktop Xeon and 16gb of ram is acceptable.

I picked up a ML10 V2 and wacked a E3-1241 V3 in it with 32Gb ram. Slightly larger than a microserver but passive cooled once booted. (It does have an active fan but spins so slowly you can't hear it.)
Hi All, Currently have the NL40 HP proliant from several years ago and because it does struggle sometimes with downloads and plex especially when streaming 4k etc, I would rather have something more powerful, I also recently got a cheap Ultra small Hp deskpro core i5 which runs all the download and streaming now, but looking for a one Unit solution rather then 2 or am I best to just leave it as it is?
Was looking at a cheap hp proliant ml110 g7 server, any thoughts on this?

thanks in advance
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