Good Cheap Server - HP Proliant Microserver 4 BAY - OWNERS THREAD

It's £3-5 for a single PCIe>NVMe card, the next logical question is about PCIe bifurcation and then something like the ASUS Hyper 4x NVMe set-up becomes a thing, but realistically I doubt it'll be a problem. For £900 I really wouldn't be looking at this though for home use, you can build much, much more powerful/expandable builds for way less, business wise it's a different ball game, but i'm looking forward to all those 1st gen Xeon's getting dumped on eBay sooner or later.
Decent write-up, bifurcation support, decent CPU support (who could have possibly known they wouldn't include the embedded options on a socketed board? :D) and sub £460 inc VAT with 8GB and a dual core Pentium. Can you build better? Obviously. Is it a reasonable shout for a compact home/branch office server? Not in the same way the early gen's were a no brainer as NAS/home servers and i'd personally consider other options in branch offices, but it's nice to have a MicroServer that isn't awful as an option again.
Hey Guys,

I am thinking of picking one of these up. The new 10th gen model. The need I have is. Currently I have a Netgear ReadyNas 104 since 2013 and frankly its suited my needs perfectly. It's been a dumb storage box running RAID and I've had pretty much zero issues with it. However, the network performance is limited to 30mbs which when watching 4k content thats uncompressed at 50mbs, its obviously not really possible.

So I am looking for improved NAS Storage performance really. Something which can utilise my 1gb internal network at home when doing large transfers would be great as well. Moving files 20gb in size is not uncommon - currently have around 8TB of data stored on the NAS at the minute.

If I were to get this, I'd like load it up with 4TB or 8TB disks and it effectively replace the NAS. The previous NAS would be reduced to some CCTV Backup jobs and thats about it.

Anyway. On this microserver machine, I'd probably want to run FreeNas or UNRaid - from USB, I believe this is possible? I want to manage it as little as possible, power it up and leave it, if it turns off due to power cut, it just comes back on with no issue.

Do those who know better think going down the microserver route is a good option? Or would I be better off just buying an equivilant 4 bay Synology which will have much better performance than my ReadyNas anyway? :)

10th Gen, or 10th Gen Plus?
The plus is the one to get as it has gone back to socketed CPU's which the original 10th Gen didn't have..
Yup, I’m waiting for exactly that, can’t see it happening for a while yet though, deffo on my shopping list tho to replace the home build Indidnto replace my Gen8 after waiting for the Gen9 that never arrived and the disappointment that was the Gen10...
Yeah Plus is very spendy, Gen8 will have plod along for longer but what a great PLEX/docker sever it’s had been.

“Bang for buck” just isn’t there atm.
I left my Gen8 purely down to the 16Gb RAM limit.
Spec-wise, other than RAM I'm no better off under my custom build tbh, well that and I've got a second SSD on the custom build, even with Kev's brackets I'd have been pushing it space-wise.
blimey, remember when these were £100 after cashback - still got my N40L and N54L.

I had the N36L and N54L, both around £100 and the only issue is was the obviousness of using them more and more you ended up needing more CPU power which is the only reason I upgraded to a XEON based TS140 Think Server (also on cash back, but £350) which was OK but honestly not as well built or convenient as the HP Microservers!
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