Good idea ? good price?

23 Aug 2007
I just got rid of my broken 125cc and was on the look out for a 400-600cc bike as I am going for full bike license now.

But tonight I took a risk and won a bike on ebay :eek: It looks nice and the guy says it all working no problems so I hope it's all true.

Here the listing mot but no tax.

And more pictures.





If you asking yourself why would I buy a 600cc now before passing my test? It's because I hope I am getting a nice bike for the price and it stops the money going on other things lol.
Sorry - wouldn't have touched with a barge pole unless seen first.

Not doubting the bike (well, actually I sort of am but then I'm very cynical these days) but it looks like it is being sold by a *****.
Good luck! The bike in the top pic doesn't appear to be the same as the ones below though? Different can, bike in top pic has a tail tidy, different indicators etc.

You might get lucky, and it is fairly cheap with retro cool in a proper Kwak colour - don't think I'd have taken the risk though! Give it a good check over when you too see it. Motorcycle MOTs are so basic they don't mean anything really. Hope it works out :)
Cash on collection and will taking someone more knowledgeable then myself.

Also it says returns accepted so if it turns out to be no good I can walk away :)

It was a impulsive bid on ebay and I don't normally do that.
What is your budget for the big bike?

There are soooo many decent bikes out there from late 90's onwards that can be had for little money. Don't get carried away with seeing 1 bike out of hundreds and start chucking bids at it, get an idea of the bike you want by going to a garage/s and sitting on as many as you can.

Take your time and do some research into things like parts etc. Do you want faired? more to repair..

But good luck with searching and hope you get a good buy when you do take the plunge for your first big bike:D
Thanks Brackish.

I was after a sports/touring bike I did take take a risk bidding but will take my time on the next on.

I contacted the guy about the pictures I am just waiting on a reply from him.
On his gumtree add is where I got the other pictures from.
The first picture posted and the ebay picture was from this website

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Cheap and 40,000 miles for such an old bike isn't too bad. If it's been looked after at least a little bit then i actually think you've got a an alright bike there for the price. However, the pictures don't really show much, would have viewed it first.
I spoken to the guy again and he said that is a old photo he took/used but the other 3 pictures was taken last week.

I guess I will see when I get there :)

I would have viewed it Rossi but it was a last minute thing:cool::eek:
It's 27 years old and doesn't look like it's had a particularly caring owner. Check for seized/badly worn suspension linkages, notchy head bearings, rough wheel bearings, complete lack of damping at either end, dodgy electrics, seized brakes etc.

These old GPZ's have 16" wheels at both ends, meaning you have a limited choice of tyres.
That's well dodgey putting that top pic as the ebay ad pic, looking at the other pics it looks rough & as if it's been left outside a while.
I think you'd be surprised just how decent a bike you can get for 1k, If I was you I'd pull out of the sale on the grounds that his ebay pic is as moody as hell.
As above, I'd not be happy with the sale considering the first picture he put up was a few years old, in nice condition etc, but has followed up with what looks to be a poorly kept bike. By all means go check it out, but take someone who knows what they're doing, and don't feel pressured into buying it because you're already there. As 4T5 said, you'd be surprised how much of a decent bike you can get for £1k, so don't feel this is your only option!
Thanks guys :)

If my mates say walk away when we go see then I will do that no problem and if anything looks out of place will not buy it for sure.
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I agree with the others, walk away.

I just picked up a 2000 (X plate) Kawasaki ZRX 1100 with 11.1k (or so) miles for £2k. It has a private number plate which is up for sale for £500 so once that sells (probably wont lol) the bike only cost me £1500.

Keep looking, try not to go over 1998 age plates as some parts can be harder to find. Check out the Honda CBR's. Pughaven got a cracking one in great condition for £1800 so one with about 25k miles on a late 90's plate should be doable for you if you take your time and hunt for it.

Good luck with the viewing if you do attend it.


An example.
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concentrate on passing your test first,then look for bikes,i know its hard to resist but youll save some money while your waiting
62 000 kilometres = 38 525.0139 miles ?

Surely seeing that RF posted above must make you want to get better for yourself ?
Do we have to bombard you with better bikes for less than 1k?

Look at this,
Lovely bike for the money.

Then there's this Diversion with 11k up it for 750 quid, You could stick 15k up that & still get your money back.
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