None else seeing this? I frequently have to scroll down to the bottom of a Web page and back to the top again to ungarble the rendering, and that frequently doesn't stick.Rendering of Web pages has been borked for weeks in Edge for me on my 7a. Wasn't fixed by the latest update.
And you get nest aware too if you use that. I just signed up for it and then upgraded to nest aware plus for £59.99 a year rather than £120 which it has gone up to.Hmm seems you now get Fitbit premium included with Google one plans - nice freebie I guess!
No idea what that was until I got the email... Guess Google trying to cement people into their ecosystem!And you get nest aware too if you use that. I just signed up for it and then upgraded to nest aware plus for £59.99 a year rather than £120 which it has gone up to.
I'm already stuck in it, might as well save some moneyNo idea what that was until I got the email... Guess Google trying to cement people into their ecosystem!
Have you tried holding down the nav bar?Is circle to search meant to work on the 7pro now? Can't see anything about it in the settings
Yeah nothing happens!Have you tried holding down the nav bar?
Staged rollout apparently.Yeah nothing happens!
Have you got adaptive connectivity (I think that's the name or very similar) turned on in settings? Sounds like it could be that.Does anyone's 7 pro not behave when it comes to turning off WiFi / Bluetooth?
Basically I'll turn off WiFi and within a few minutes it'll turn itself back on again. Same for Bluetooth. It's bloody infuriating!!