So I caved. Yesterday I was sat at a cafe and trying to use my Pixel 6 in the bright sunlight and I realised I was struggling to see the screen. "That's it! I'm buying the 8!"
Three didn't make it easy. Went online and it was sold out, but that's fine as I was going away to family last night and would prefer to go into a shop and grab it. Called Three and the guy was an idiot. Me simply wanting to know if the local shop had stock, him... I don't know what he was doing. "I have to set you up a profile", "Yes, but we need to setup a purchase, then I can see where has them", "Next I can tell you what you will pay monthly"... "What?! I just want to know if Edgware store has them in stock?!" After 17 minutes, I thanked him for his efforts buy politely let him know he had failed in a very simply request and had provided poor customer service to me.
I drove to the store and explained I just wanted to buy the phone, I could see there was a £10 one-off option online - "I can't, I'd get in a lot of trouble if I sell you one without a contract!" But actually the guy was actually really helpful. In the end, I bought one on contract, then an hour later the guy canceled the contract for me. I paid £250 upfront with 12 monthly payments of £20.25 to come. Kind of ideal actually. £493 all in.
So, the questions -
I'm on EE, should I/can I switch to an eSIM? (If so, how?)
I've setup Face Unlock, but now I lose notification info on the lock screen. Is there a way around this.
I'm enjoying the smaller form factor, but wonder if I should get a case. Is there a go to 'slim/barely there' case that is being recommended?