Honestly which we had a Samsung built Nexus. HTC are not that great these days and still miss on a lot of points, but I will hold out judgement till the phone is out.
Honestly which we had a Samsung built Nexus. HTC are not that great these days and still miss on a lot of points, but I will hold out judgement till the phone is out.
Did he say when it would be released? Month would do, don't need specific date
The 10 is decent but still far too expensive IMO.
I was told Oct
I think you are right to compare the Nexus 2016 range to the well-regarded HTC 10. I think Google chooses the Nexus partner from the Android stable of OEMs and this year it is clearly HTCs turn. But more than that Google has a really close role in the design and functionality of its Nexus so it is not merely a rebranded HTC 10.
Saw an interesting stat the other day about Android. Did you know that their market share globally has increased to 86.2% and Apple iPhone has fallen to 12.9%? If you want to know the source I can find it but I recall it being quite a well-respected one. And that Google's focus now is the next billion users, esp in places like Indonesia and India.
They have built a truly awesome ecosystem and I believe they will continue to produce very good Nexus phones.
As mentioned looking forward to a release in a couple of months, if not sooner.